Tuesday, September 17, 2013


P9142515" At the centre of the most turbulent heart there is a place of peace (waiting to be discovered) a place beyond time that cannot be changed by change or loss.
Here in this stillness is rest and healing. 
Nothing we suffer, nothing we fear, can change its perfection.
Enter this place of peace and learn the purpose of your life-not wealth or fame, but the recognition of your unity with all things.
Everything you have loved is here.  All joy.  All good.
No living thing has ever been lost to you".

-Pam Brown

So believable in the quiet moments but then the day gets messy.  I drop an object and it breaks in a million  pieces, I get a bad stomach ache on my walk and also start worrying about things I cannot change which is like bumping my head against the wall and on it goes until I take time  to calm.

So I finally get my camera that traveled with Sandra to take pictures of Shawna, Stephen and Lincoln and the battery is dead and we cannot find the charger.  I think I am being taught that I need to become more patient.

Patience it has been said is the very heart of love but the sad truth very few of us are born with it.
"Patience is the best insurance against all kinds of emotional and physical problems-and is essential in learning to slow down."  says Eknath Easwaran   J  think I am patient in a few things but still have much to learn.  I also believe this is a big part of spiritual awareness and inner healing.

Dad and I were considering going to the study at the church later in the day but coming home from the drive into River Road I had another bad stomach ache and was ready to flag down any passing police car for an escort but none showed up  so we just spaded home as fast as we could.  My tummy is  is still feeling unsettled so I will stay home.  Also feel a cold coming on so rest is the best way to fight it.
Time has just flown by today and I have found a lot of things I did not know where missing.  I am also getting things ready to drop off to value village or phone Big Brothers.

"Every moment is a new beginning!  Every breath we take is a Holy gift and a time to bring dreams to life".  Church Bulletin  Only by tuning into the silence can we journey beyond time.


Sandra said...

Sorry to hear your tummy was not well yesterday. And that you can not find your battery. I dont know, I think some babies are born patient, they seem less likely to be upset when waiting. Have you seen the latest Lincoln pictures? He is starting to fill in and has a nice fat tummy. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I think there is something going around and that it's flu season starting. It's now pitch black until almost 6:30 am, so when I go to Starbuck's in the morning it looks like night! Dark morning s and flu bugs are another sign that summer is over!

nancy-Lou said...

You are right about patience and thankfully I have lots! It has made me life a lot easier! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Beth. Perhaps some gluten found it's way in to your diet? Oh I well remember those pains and the rest I won't mention! I sure hope you are not getting a cold. Quite a few people in Winnipeg have a bug...sore throats and colds/coughs. Take care; Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Well by the time I am able to get my pictures downloaded Lincoln will have graduated from Jr. High.
Maybe dad can help me move the pictures over.

Yes it is dark now when I go out. It feels like fall that is for sure. Hope Carol takes time to rest up.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I hope you are not catching a cold, that is no fun! And sorry to hear that your tummy was aching. Patience is not something i work well with either. but there are weeks and weeks where i feel that i am getting better at it and then boom a day comes along and blows me outta the water. LOL but its ok its all a learning process and lessons are there for a reason.

I hope you find your charger so you can enjoy the small tiny baby pics. We saw Lincoln and his parents on Sunday at a Parsons family dinner and he still looks very tiny, i didnt think he got bigger at all haha. He was very calm as his mom changed his diaper and clothing. Just at the end he started to get impatient. Alice (Stephen and Cameron Mary's sister) was very excited to have a little baby around, and wanted to help Shawna do everything. It is really cute.

Hope you have a good week and it is less then a month now before we get to come and visit for a harvest dinner and welcome fall. lots of love.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your tummy troubles and the possibility of a bug enjoying itself in your system where l am sure it is not welcome. We missed you both at the study group . lt was very interesting but l think it would have been better if we had divided into small groups for discussion as one or two of us tended to dominate the conversation. Hope you feel better today. Love jane

Sandra said...

To look at the pictures mom you just need to take the card out of the camera and stick it into your lap top. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better Jesse's card arrived yesterday . Off to get my car fixed today.