Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It is dark when I wake up now usually about 5:30 or 6.  Then all of a sudden I see the light shining in my window and so begins another day.  I am busy on the computer  Takes time to send loving prayers out into the darkness for all my family.  So much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to.
There are always going to be changes and it is always a shock to go back to the place where you grew  up and see all the changes,  A little sad.  I find the years are going by quickly!

It will be light when I head down to the creek.
Trees are just starting to change colour.
The light shines on the leaves

Even the water in the creek causes reflections of all that is around it.  It has been quiet on my early morning walks but when school is back there will be students heading off to early morning classes.  More cars will be passing by and the odd one honks I wave not knowing who it is.  Dad would probably recognize the car.

Dad is busy down loading songs to play on the radio in the car as the aerial got knocked off coming out of the garage.
Reminds me when Rick almost drove out with the door closed and yes it was dark in there.

"Every time you do not follow your inner guidance
you feel a loss of energy,
 loss of power
 and a sense of spiritual darkness"
--Shakti Gawain
What happens to me is I feel more like I am in the fog than darkness which is not good either.  I am feeling a bit in the fog as I write this.

Anyway the there is always something to celebrate and we had a good gathering for Sandra's birthday, even Morgan and Ben and Theresa, and Mandy and James joined in.  Leah and Craig were off to the PNE

My girls may be getting older but they seem to be looking younger and more beautiful. 
A big day for the children going back to school today.

WOW Breaking news Shawna has had her baby!  We were talking about this at supper last night and about her burst of energy!  Congratulations Shawna and Stephen.  Welcome baby Lincoln!   WOW! !


Sandra said...

Lincoln is here! He was born around 5 am. We will be heading to Edmonton tomorrow.

beth bennett said...

Wow just like we were expecting because Shawna was so busy yesterday.

I was awake all night and could not sleep but that is amazing news.

Talk to you later about your plans.

He wants to be on time for school too!

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Another new member of the Bennett clan! How wonderful...to carry on the legacy!Congrats to all.

Nice pictures Beth....with the reflections in the pond and light on the trees.

Fall is definitely in the air here. The many varieties of sparrows have started their migration. It seems early...like a week or two, so wondering if this is an indication of an early winter.

There were thousands of people here for the long weekend...it was utter chaos in the driving restricted area, yesterday, when they were allowed to drive their cars in to their cottages. Now we get out quiet beach back for another 10 months.
Love, Nancy