Friday, September 27, 2013


I know that  have lived a sheltered life in many ways.  My parents were good people who provided a good home and taught me good behavior, especially  to obey your parents and to be polite and clean!

I lived in a middle class neighborhood in a middle class house which I loved.  Especially the sun porch off the living room facing the front of the yard. I think I remember we had a stuffed owl who would looked at me with those staring knowing eyes!
"In a healthy family there is a shared understanding that we are all of us better than the worst thing we have ever done."

Yes, there were times of misunderstandings and I felt hurt.   It has taken a lifetime for me to realize that within me is a loving self that helps me resist expressions of self doubt.
In the morning as I pray for our family I try to breath in the love that is unconditional and sees the goodness in each one of us.
Jesus said the kingdom of Heaven is within you", so why do we look for affirmation from those around us

I had a short walk in the morning but am feeling extremely tired.  Even thinking about supper is exhausting.  Dad and I went to a short trip to winners but actually he wants to go to a man's store and get a suit.  We should do these things earlier in the day so maybe to-morrow.

After supper there was this beautiful light with dark clouds racing along behind it.  And then came a brilliant rainbow.  I took a picture but my camera does not capture the beauty of it.  The rainbow always lifts my mood and helps me to feel hopeful.

I I am glad that each new day offers its own possibilities.

"The best thing about the future it comes only one day at a time".   Abraham Lin
And Thanks giving comes on the 12 and 13 Rick.  Are you coming?

“When we allow the energy of compassion to flow into us and then out to others-particularly those whose behavior may be hurtful to us- we have entered the kingdom experience”.

"To read, to think, to love, to hope and to pray
these are things that make people happy."   -John Ruskin

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