Sunday, September 8, 2013



Yes they all have their seat belts on.
These two are the happiest.
He is a little grouch always wanting to know where we are going and when we will get there.  Actually the final destination will be Sandra and Randy’s new home.
I tell them hey just appreciate where you are right now in this moment.  This helps one to become grounded and focused on the perfection of the now rather than worrying about the past or the future
Enjoy the sights on the journey and feel the love that is riding along with you.  We will all get to where we should be some day!

Oh but by the way this morning we are off to church.  I believe that there were many great religious thinkers such as Mohamed and Buddha and actually a great chain of religious thinkers and philosophers but for the one that completely makes sense I think we need to learn more about what Jesus actually taught.  He did not say that religious doctrine or religious hierarchies were what was important.  No he taught that we should do unto others what we would have done unto us.  Not an original truth but one that fits in with his whole message.

Do acts of kindness not just because you will be rewarded but because you value others as much as yourself.  I have found the words of Jesus inspiring and joyous so that life takes on deeper meaning and is more fulfilling.  Even his listeners believed he spoke with authority and there is a
power that flows mysteriously from him I believe.

A  man for the people, all people!

But we all need to keep asking questions and live by the faith that becomes real.

"That makes me think of the word "fey" a word I love, suggesting things that are otherworldly, things we need to listen closely to in order to hear".    -Jane Silcott from Everything Rustles

Which reminds me I had better start looking for my car keys if I am going to be driving anywhere.
You guys will stay in the car and guard it!  Dad is also going to church.  n the afternoon our group meets Pat and John, Nick and Drena,  Maryrice and Cliff ; Doug is moving away and Ken has an infected foot.


Sandra said...

That is a kind of random smattering of topics. I hope the animals, stuffed and living will like it at our new house. I have already joined the homeowners association and there will be a meeting the week after we move in. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That is a good idea Sandra.

Yes I am a little brain tired and as I look over it I realized I made a lot of errors.

Oh well to-morrow is another day.

Nice to talk to Shawna. They are not getting much sleep.

Rnjoy your day! love mom

Anonymous said...

The living aninals are all fine! Carol and I might go get our bikes annd bring to Surrey to ride to Barnston Island or maybe we will just ride along the dike in Tsawwassen today.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes misplaces their car keys!



Anonymous said...

By the way, I agree that Jesus wasn't big on religious doctrines. Absolutely. But you can't say the same about various Christian churches.



Anonymous said...

You have a nice key rack by the front door? Good place to leave your keys every day.
We are all over the worst of it . Matthew has tonsillitis , but is on the improve. Jasmine has a cough but is getting better.
I have four days off now , time to get better . When do sandra and randy move in?

beth bennett said...

I think they move in on )ct. 14.

Yes we have to get back into the habit of using the key rack.

Carol and Panteli came over for a visit after we got back from our group discussion.

love mom