Friday, September 27, 2013


Yes there are now areas of our home that our off-limits to my tidying ways.  This is hard for me because I am use to wandering around tidying here and there as I go.

I much appreciate dad washing the windows out to the back yard as all of a sudden they seemed to be very hard to see through.  Actually I had never even noticed but he did.

DSCN0723Yes it feels like fall and the leaves are starting to cover the ground.  I had a good walk and dad walked in the water-shed park and met two Chinese ladies.  There were also a group of school children running around and enjoying the open area.  I managed to get the grass cut because it is suppose to rain.

I went off to the Senors home and had a visit with Jim and two other ladies.  One was very confused and kept wondering who I was again and again.  She knew she knew me but just could not remember where we had met before.
She really did enjoy our visit so that was the main thing,

“The habit of compassion is deeper than any religion.
although most religions in their original form were founded on it.  The theological reasoning behind the belief in the goodness of every human being is pretty simple.  In the beginning was the power of love.  Each of us was made by and through that power"  Ed Bacon

I think it is easier if we do not have a picture in our mind of either Jesus or God but think instead of it as simply the loving spirit that dwells inside of each of us.  The challenge is to over come the negative and fear based self that also lives within us.  Of course this is easier with some people than with others.  Nor does it mean that people are not accountable for the wrongs they have committed.
Jesus calls us to love our enemies and to continue to pray for them.

All of us need compassion and affirmation so that the goodness within will shine through.

"It is easy to love those who are similar to you, to love those you already love.  To be holy to be God carriers, is to love those you don't like, even those you hate--to find the spark of holiness, the spark of God, in every person in every human being."  Rabbi Levine-Grater.

I know for me that I have experienced a happy spiritual experience when my heart has felt strangely warmed.

Yes, it is raining lightly this morning.  My cough has gotten worse so trying to decode about my walk.


Sandra said...

Randy and I are still working on our zones, more what goes where zones and where to hide all the boxes we cant unpack zone. That is the most hotly contested at the moment. Had plumber and alarm installer here this morning. They arrived early but the dogs and I had been out for our walk so I was ready for them. At least I thought I was. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes raining and cold here today. Footy grand final in on today at the MCG.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea--I think I'll get some Off-Limits signs for our apartment this morning!
