Tuesday, September 10, 2013


What a magnificent view.

Dad and I share many memories as we gaze out on this river.  We laugh about our old  little boat and how little we knew about boating.  Dad has a great sense of adventure that still is a part of who he is and  that will always be expressing itself in some way or other.
We look over to where we had just been seated.

Life seldom turns out exactly as we
plan.  That keeps it interesting .
So many stories are tied up here with these white beautiful boats. 
We are content just to watch others come and go. 

Time to breathe
In the pressure of decisions, peace has become a luxury.
Take it when it comes, and cherish it. 
It gives you time to breathe.
It gives you rest and hope and life.
-  Pam Brown

I have come to the conclusion that we cannot help but disappoint others at times. 
I always feel very  badly when I know I have done that.  We all can do this at times.

When I feel sad or inadequate returning to stillness helps me to see myself as part of a greater magnificence that is beyond words or even understanding.

Sandra and Randy have returned home and I will have a few baby pictures to put on.

Wed. I will be back with the gang at Bible study and looking forward to seeing everyone and doing some thinking and working on answers for the first lesson.


Anonymous said...

Brittany was going to put a comment on. Looks nice in Ladner. Seems you still have nice weather.

beth bennett said...

I would love to hear from Brittany.

Sandra and Randy will be busy getting ready to move a very stressful time.

Hope every one continues to feel better and that Jesse can relax.

love mom

Sandra said...

Weather is perfect still Kenny, it has been a great summer. Up early and getting ready to pack the kitchen. Yuck. Randy is driving down to the dump. Sandra