Wednesday, September 4, 2013


                This is my talk at the Women's group. at church,   It is called a devotional.

Wonderful news dad and I have a new great grandchild to bring more joy into our lives!

I would like to devote this time to the spiritual values like those we have discovered in Bible Study and also from each other.

I like to believe that we were all created to be vessels of love each in our own way. We weave this love into a beautiful tapestry in each other's lives.

We value "love" which is described as a deep feeling of fondness and affection or devotion to something like our family etc.  A strong tender feeling that grows into love for another.

Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness
if listened to and acted upon will give much that is of value to their world.

Granted this is harder for children brought up in a dysfunctional home where they have suffered abuse.  It is also harder for those with learning disabilities and poor athletic skills etc. Love and accept them as they are.

It takes courage for a person to listen to their own goodness and to act upon it and in doing so refrain
 from hurting others .  Also to have compassion for those who are in pain or sadness   To be generous and kind and also forgiving.  To be honest and true to what we believe.
These are godly values that are timeless.

There are people in our lives who are difficult to be around and even we can find ourselves being difficult at times.  Also we come from different back grounds with different expectations.  Words spoken thoughtlessly can cause more harm than good.  Scripture reminds us to speak the truth in love and I would add gently.

There are a group of monks called Benedictines who do have certain rules which I have found helpful when handling conflicts in my heart, in my home and in my relationships.  It is called persevere.
Bear with great patience each other's infirmities of body or of behavior.  And when the thorns of contention arise, daily forgive, and be ready to accept forgiveness.

As St. Benedictine says,  " Listen with the ear of the heart."

"I would be true, for there are those who trust me
I would be pure, for there are those who care
I would be strong, for there is much to suffer and also much we question
I would be brave for there is much to dare
I would try to be a friend to all especially the friendless
I would be giving and forgiving, because there is much that needs forgetting
I would be humble, for I know my many weakness
I would look up-and laugh-and love -and pray.

This summer we were blessed to have a visit from our family from Australia; our son and his wife and three children; 3 and 5 and 14.  A very long and trying journey for each one of them.
I knew this would be a precious time but also a very busy time.  Dad and I have also forgotten how challenging young children can be!  Every generation disciplines their children differently with the goal of expressing love.

To prepare I put away all valuables and breakables and turned our living room into a playroom.  There were stuffed toys, blocks, trucks and cars, a chalk board, games and books etc.  I took out some of the better furniture too.  I put down extra mats for the little ones to sleep on.

Jasmine reminded dad every day ti take his vitamins and Matthew has filled our frig. with his bright bold colorings.  Jesse was a good help and did not complain about his pain.  Good kids!

Our lives become a work of art that is alive and real!  Jesus reminds us to become like a child again!

Life always adds the things that we have not prepared for; like Larry's cousin ended up in Hospice care and he would be the main visitor as family was unable to do this.

Also Jessie had a pain in his side and back which was diagnosed as either  kidney stones or appendicitis.  Flying home could put him at risk if a major attack occurred.

Our family has always been one of our main values along with our faith and our experiences.  Certainly all life is precious and to be valued. 

Dad and I appreciated the help that Sandra, Carol and Panteli and Rick and Kim and Theresa gave us in helping the children have fun while they were here.  We know that we are not as much fun as we use to be.

I knew that I needed time to rest in the love of Jesus and time to pray.  Normally that would be when the family would go out on outings but often that was when we visited Eileen.  If I was up early before the others I would pray on my walks or often just sitting in the car driving home from the hospice.  I also put our names on the prayer list because there are always time when you feel like some one is praying for you.

I believe what you are is made up of what you believe.  Believe the best about yourself and about others.  Many times Jesus healed those who felt unworthy and like outcasts.  His healing presence is available to us each moment of every day, whether it is emotional healing or accepting the frailty of  poor health as we age.

I believe we are gathered here because we also value community and friendship and our faith and
 caring for one another.
Let us pray
Thank you God for Your Presence, Your Word and Your Son Jesus who teach us what to value in our lives each and every day.  In the name of Jesus we pray Amen.
Some scripture I bases this on:
The Lord God loves us with an unconditional and everlasting love.  Jeremiah
Perfect love casts out fear.  1John:14
Love your neighbor as yourself  Matthew 19:19
I will lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.  Psalm 121
Remain in my love   John 15:10


Sandra said...

Good reminder that you never know who may be using your actions as an example. On the road, will set up a Skype some time thus week.

beth bennett said...

Thinking of you both as you fly to Edmonton this morning. Safe travels and I would love to be with you all.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Lovely devotional, Beth. we are house-sitting at Sandra's while they are gone, so we'll be around a bit more for the next while.

Anonymous said...

Well writen Mom.Jasmine cought a little cold on the way home, she is feeling better today.Matthew had fun at kindy , taking a different stuffed animal each day.
Jesse still the same , has moving back pain, he is booked in for untra sound next Wedesday.

nancy-Lou said...

Very wise words in your devotional Beth. I liked the quotes from the Benedictine Monks...will make a note of them and try to follow them.
Your prayer at the end is also very meaningful. Thanks so much for your daily blog...I look for it every morning as I have my morning tea and it starts my day off with good feelings. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy.
.that really encourages me.

Enjoy your tea! Love beth