Monday, September 23, 2013


My early morning walk.
Down past Coyote Creek.

I see  an older Asian lady dressed very poorly,  walking towards me looking for cans and bottles. I give her the one  I have picked up and she gives me a big smile and says a lot I do not understand but I understand she appreciates this simple gift.

I also meet an old friend Vera,  She is cleaning up by the townhouses.  I stop for a visit.  She wakes up early like I do about 4:30 or 5.  She laughs and says if she sleeps in to 6 she checks her pulse to see if she is still alive.  Even staying up later makes no difference she still wakes up early just like me

Next I hear a voice talking to me from under a bush.  Looking down I see a man sitting on a blanket which was his bed I presumed.  The funny thing was he was talking on his cell phone.  I do not know who was more surprised him or me!

When I arrive back home the black cat is sitting on the driveway waiting patiently.

The meeting at church was stimulating especially trying to puzzle out the reading from Luke 16. A rich man had a manager who was running up huge personal expenses. Sound familiar?  The manager in order to gain friends went to the people who were in debt to his master and lowered the amount that they owed.

Now here is the surprise the master praised the manager!  He used his adversity to prepare for his future.  Shocking! 

Jesus is telling this parable to convey a message. I think that we can learn from the example of other people in our lives, whether they are good people or not so good.  There is always the problem how do we love the unlovable?

In those days one was regarded as righteous if you were wealthy and healthy.  One message is that the manager was called to account for his cheating. The other message is that he was concerned about his future. 

One of the more difficult passages to understand.

We started discussing the meaning of this reading with Pat and Bob and ended up going out for lunch with them.  We have not done this for a long time.  We got into a discussion about the meaning of the story and I think that was what Jesus would wanted his hears to do was to have them discuss and find what the story meant to them.

Dad and I drove over to see the progress Sandra and Randy are making on their new home.  The dogs are happy there but the cats are very upset as cats always are with a move.  Maybe they need Jasmine to carry them around and make them happy.  A good neighborhood for walking.

So an interesting day of meetings!

"So if you're honest in small things
You will be honest in big things."   -The Message by Eugene H. Peterson

Monday the library and Tuesday the dentist!


Sandra said...

Sorry to keep you waiting yesterday. Our days are just never long enough right now and there are always lots of things we just dont get to. Glad it is just a 4 day week. Almost October and time to start thinking of the first guests we will have staying with us soon. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That was okay we had not phoned first but wanted to test how long it would take to drive to your new neighborhood.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Great photos of everyone at the church and congratulations to Ben for second place! SOrry that I was so tied up with marking papers for my online course that I couldn't make it!

nancy-Lou said...

WOW, Ben sure did well in the singing contest, congrats to him. Your walks sure are an adventure. You never know what is going to happen do you? A talking bush, made me laugh. You be careful now! I don't understand that passage from Luke...but then again, there is a lot from the bible that I do not understand. We had another long day in the city at doctors and lawyers offices. Really tired tonight and I have to do it all again tomorrow YUK! Just getting there and back home is 3 hours of driving and then all that city traffic. I hope Larry's feet feel better soon, love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

What an exhausting time you are having. Hard on both you and Karl.
Hope you can get some answers and some relief.
Thank you for your concern for Larry. He has started riding his bike again and we hope that will help him regain strength in his legs.
Drive safe. love beth

Anonymous said...

Lovely weather here,. Went to lake cairn curran yesterday.
Kids had fun. Water too cold to swin. We saved a fish