Monday, September 16, 2013


P9132494I love these windows and the trees near by.  This is not a home but has a homey feel to it.  The feel that each one of us bring into our homes so that they reflex who we are and what we value.

This little squirrel is trying to decide if he should come in for a visit.  Actually he is going to be going to  Value Village with the two big animals, the Gorilla and the Panda.
The top of our fence has become a highway for the squirrels to run along carrying peanuts or acorns in their mouths.  We do not know where they are going but they sure are busy.  Two were making out I think on our chair and they both fell off.  More information than you wanted.

Sort of like my friend I met walking today telling me about divorce court.  I guess she needed some one to listen so it was me.

Had a hard time finding the right phone number for my third cousin that lives in Australia.  They have such strange numbers.  Dad found it on the computer so it has redeemed itself.  She has poor eye sight so can not read letters very well so we have lost touch,  She was very pleased to hear from me.  She told me about all her friends and family are not well but in a happy sort of way.  Yes, it is all apart of getting older.

Rain and fog made the day dreary but I had better get use to it.  Shopping to do and a trip to the library to pick up our group discussion book.

"The one who masters the grey everyday is a hero."
-F. Dostoyevesky


Sandra said...

I have decided that moving is only meant for those under 40. Yup, after that just stay put till you die. Though, like Mary says it is a great way to declutter, but there has to be a less painfull way than this!
I will take your camera to work today if you happen to be out that way. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Well Beth, you sure made me laugh when you told the story about the squirrels making out on your chair and falling off! I love your sense of humour and stories! Glad your computer "redeemed" itself too....those darned computers! You must be a good"listener"......people like to talk to you about their problems! Well have a good day,
Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good advice from Sandra. Since Carol and I are well past 40, I guess we won't be moving after all! Carol took anit-biotics yesterday and slept most of the day so she feels a little bit better and has gone into work. She will try to last half the day because she had early morning clients that coudn't be reached.

Anonymous said...

Matthew was sad the squirrel is going away. We have a cat for two weeks, the kids are scared of him , as he bites when playing and sneaks up and attacks them.. All good fun.

beth bennett said...

Maybe I will change my mind about the squirrel. Too bad things are expensive to send and it is not to fancy. I guess you are not getting any younger if you are thinking of moving! love mom