Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It is so easy for me to become preoccupied with the things to be done.  Yes, we need to live in the present moment, to enjoy the good , all the good things in our lives.  I can easily decide I should get busy cleaning up messes here and there and decide I do not have time for a walk or other things.

First thing in the morning , with my coffee I need to pray for myself.  Forgive me Lord for being critical.  Lord fill me with your grace.  Thank you for this new day  so fresh after the rain.  Thank you for each one in my family as I name them one by one.  Then I pray for those on our church list, so many have such serious problems.  Be with them Lord, may they feel the prayers of all those who are thinking and caring about them. 

Then I put out a bag of groceries as a church in our neighborhood is collecting for the food bank and then it is off for my walk.  A dull gray morning but still nice to enjoy the fresh air. 

I have several books that are waiting to be read.  Two are for our study group.  One is Revelations for my JETLAG Group and the other is for our book group that is meeting at our house called CHRISTIANITY AFTER RELIGION.  The other one from the library is the 8 HABITS OF LOVE.

P9182581This is based up the thought that "the only way we could become who we are is through the flow of divine energy into our lives that flows from the BELOVED and also from others.  We cut off this flow with negativity, fear, stinginess, sadness and withdrawal from others.

First habit was generosity, then stillness and now truth.
"The truth must dazzle gradually or every man be blind"
-Emily Dickinson

"To be religious in the twenty-first century is to be inter religious" aware that no religion owns the truth.  I like the thought that religion can mean "to re-connect."  Truth has the power and authority to transform our lives knowing that it is also not static and does not follow a script that we have written.  Truth does not use fear as a weapon nor the threat of punishment; but has the potential to awaken our conscience.

"Truth telling can be risky, sometimes painful and uncomfortable.  It is a perspective rather than a fact."  - Ed Bacon

"Because the Beloved is also gracious, love does not give us only one chance to perceive the truth and then we have missed it forever. "   Everyday presents new opportunities.


                               Each small task can be transformed by the attitude with which I do it.


Sandra said...

I like those quotes on truth. I argue with Randy about history books a lot because I say their is so much that is unknown, even when it is from an actual participant it is still only their version. Feels like it may be time to look for a tuque for morning walks soon. Mary and Simon are getting very excited for their up coming visit. She wants to pack her suitcase already but Mary told her it was too soon. : ) Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Interesting comments regarding religion, Beth. No religion owns the truth,and I add: but many think they do. Personally, I am moving away from religion and my lifetime church....and studying Buddhism and Tao. I just read some interesting words from Lao Tzu this morning....and they reflect how I try to live my life...Simplicity, Patience and Compassion. I often fail at this...but try!
Yes, we too, are facing many of the same things you and Larry are, with aging. Carl is really slowing down at age 75.He he is quite forgetful too, and I have had to take over many of the things he used to do, like household accounts and driving. We have decided to stay in our I am healthy and can look after things...but it is really hard watching Carl get weaker and sicker. We are fortunate that our sons live nearby and will help at a moments notice. I sure do understand what you and Larry are facing. I keep you both in my prayers. Getting old requires courage as we face so many challenges, doesn't it? Sometimes it fails me and fear sneaks in. Love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

I just read about a woman who was found living under a bush in a park in Winnipeg, with two cats. All she had was a blanket and two cat carriers. At night she and the cats snuggled together under that one blanket. Her elderly mother had been put in a nursing home and she couldn't afford the rent for the apartment...she was in her mid fifties. A group of people have temporarily arranged for a motel room and are working on getting her a home..for her and her cats.
Sometimes life is bitter sweet.

Anonymous said...

We went to the movie turbo yesterday. The little kids loved it , although Jasmine was a little preoccupied with her snacks !!!Matthew and I got swooped by Magpies, its spring and mommies protect their babies. Brittany had a nice family dinner yesterday for her birthday.

beth bennett said...

Sounds like a fun day for all.

Where was the family dinner for Brittany?

love mom