Friday, September 13, 2013


Life flows out of the love we give to one another.  Incredible!

I love the incredible beauty of the colorful changing leaves.  They are just beginning and as I walk I search for these signs of autumn.
I am taking time to breath in the early morning freshness as I prepare for another warm day.  I enjoy the late blooming  flowers even as they are ending their days of glory.  Just like dad and myself we have had so many good years and now there is just not the energy to do what we would like to do.

We watch the news and see how much suffering there is in this world.  Some of it is caused by evil but some just accidents or sickness but they cause pain to cripple  us, and some of us have a lot of stress in our daily ordinary lives. We want to hear good new, incredible news, that does not bring on nightmares that can seem so very real.

Some adventures in our mature years call for even greater courage than we have ever needed.  Yesterday in my group we shared many summer experiences, some were busy, some were frustrating, some were difficult, some complaints but mainly a sense of happiness. especially at being together once again.

Sometimes life seems like an uphill battle and I reach out for help from a friend or I may feel the gentle push from the  "Beloved".  I need both to give me the strength to release all my own power of love into my world.

"Every being has been wired to be loving, accepting, compassionate, forgiving, caring, playful, courageous and imaginative".   I read these words by Ed Bacon and know that this is an incredible truth.  Fear knocks at all doors and roadblocks put up barriers between ourselves and others and even between the self with in our skin.  Life gets messy and even hurts at times.

We cannot control the things that happen in our lives but only we can take responsibility for how we re-act.

I had a generous gift of a massage when I went visiting at the Seniors Home yesterday.  There were a group of young people training on those wanted treatment and it was offered to me in appreciation for my many visits.  I have had pain in my wrist which I thought was arthritis  but they explained it was a form of tendinitis and after treatment I was given some ice to put on it.  I was starting to get concerned and will rest it with no heavy gardening for awhile and see if it improves.  It was very relaxing for me just to be pampered by these young enthusiastic people.  They were happy to work on something they had never done before so it was good for all of us.
My three best buddies who have been travelling with me had to give up their seats in the car as we went and picked up Jane and Geof to go out wining and dining.  Yes they are back in town so lots of catching up to do.  We thoroughly enjoyed our evening out.
All in all it was an incredible day. 
Moving day for Sandra and Randy today and they sound exhausted and stressed which always happens when one moves.  You do get rid of a lot of stuff and it is a whole new beginning at a new home.  We are anxious to go and see them in their place and see what we can do to help.
Incredible people every one!


Anonymous said...

Carol is going to Chilliwack today to see a client there tonight and staying at Theresa's fo rthe evening because she sees another one tomorrow. Wow, moving day on Friday 13th!

nancy-Lou said...

Insightful blog, Beth. I too, found today incredible as I worked outdoors in the year. It was cool and crisp, with the temp about 5 degrees. It is breezy from the west and I could hear the roar of the rollers on the lake. Our regular bird customers are coming back to the bird feeders and some remember me and land on my hand or head. The chickadees and nuthatches are pretty tame. Mr bear came by last night and left his calling card of hand prints ...actually swipes on our living room windows....including 4 inch claw marks. I am not afraid of the bear...we respect them and they do the same to us. I take in the bird things every evening, so the pickings were slim for Mr Bear.
I hope the moving goes well for Sandra and Randy....take care Beth, love Nancy

Anonymous said...

My car playing up , seems someone hit me in the car park, damaged a head light which caused a short which caused a battery failure ... uggh . Will get it fixed on Wednesday. Jesse's birthday today , cake and dinner at our house . Good luck to Sandra and Randy. May get to use their pool before winter sets in next Wednesday ... ken

beth bennett said...

So annoying Ken to have your car damage. It just seems one thing after another.
I think I sent Jesse a card but say Happy Belated birthday from us all in B.C.
It was good to have him visit us just too bad he did not feel right.

Maybe the pills the doctor gave him and hopefully no more pain.

It was a bit cooler for Sandra and Randy moving. Dad and I took lunch over and sat out in the back.

Home again and dad is watching T.V.
He had a short bike ride which was good. I had my walk of course.

Love mom