Thursday, September 5, 2013


The new pictures on my frig.  The artist is Matthew Bennett.  I look at them every day!

DSCN0865The morning sunshine makes the day look promising.  I am enclosing a variety of native wisdom.

"I was born upon the prairie, where the wind blew free, and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. 
I was born where there were no enclosures, but where everything drew a free breath. . .
I lived happily"

We are all one child, spinning and dancing through Mother Sky.  -Shawnee

As a child I was taught "Chebon" the way to attain the beauty in life is through harmony.  Be in harmony with all things, but most important be in harmony with yourself.

A lot will go on in your life, some good, some bad,-but that one word harmony, will neutralize any problems and help your life to become beautiful.  -Bear Heart

"The earth is your grandmother and mother, and she is sacred.  Every step that is taken upon her should be as a prayer." -Black Elk

Inner peace and love are the greatest gifts.  -Navajo Indian


Listen to the voice of nature, for it holds treasures for you.  -Huron

I gave my little talk at the church which way okay.  I was picked up by a friend so dad could use the car to go purchase a new printer.  She drives a little fast even over speed bumps and she drove right by another friend she was also suppose to pick up.  This was because she realize a police car was right behind her and she was worried about her speed.  We turned back and picked up Mary and made it to the church in time to set things up.  We also had to clean up so I was later getting home again and very hungry for my lunch!
Off to see Jim and bring him the milkshake.  He will probably say "Hello Stranger" because I missed last week. 


Anonymous said...

I think Matthew has some artist ability for sure.

Not wanting to slow down because a police car is behind you and you think you may be speeding is a new one on me. But everybody got to the church on time, so you got a funny story out of it with no harm done. (I was worried for a moment that the story was going to be about how this lady also drove over the waiting friend like a speed bump!).

Leah's birthday today. Early September is crowded with birthdays!



Anonymous said...

Matthew is prolific drawer. Your speech was nice , glad you made it safely. 0330 shift today and tomorrow. Election day tomorrow .

nancy-Lou said...

Matthew has a talent for colours too....very good for such a young fellow. Maybe art lessons would make a good Christmas gift? Or some art supplies. It was a gift of a child,s easel and some pastels at the age of 6 that started me on my way.
Sure glad you survived the ride to church might be an idea to go with a different lady next time. One of my church going friends is a day dreamer I avoid her. Love, Nancy