Saturday, October 26, 2013


It had been a cool and very dull day so although dad and I planned a walk in the water-shed park we decided it would not be the best for my friendly cough.
We were very much looking forward to our supper out with family and our last visit with Mary and Simone.  Yes I am happy but saying good-bye always makes me a little sad.
A final chance at photo shoots, time is so precious!
The light upon the water is so breath-taking.
I am so thankful to be alive and to know we are all loved and it is the greatest beauty of all.
We finally made it to the beach, to the Boat House                           She loves her great grandpa!
She is a happy little one.
 and also grandpa Randy who makes funny noises and shares his I phone with her so Mary gets a chance to eat.  Babies sure need a lot of attention!

  Mary looks so young and beautiful and such a wonderful mom.  Her visit has brought us great joy!
Safe journey home Mary and Simone you will be in my thoughts and prayers so high above the clouds.

DSCN1264Sandra tells us we are celebrating Randy's award winning of the fastest loading of his ship.  Not the greatest picture but you can tell she is proud of him and he is being reserved!

Still having some lingering back issues.

I got dramatic as we were eating and starting coughing and I think the staff was nearly ready to do throttle me or something.  I had my codeine to stop the coughing so all was well.
Being near the water is so calming and also mystical as you feel the great distance ahead of you. 
So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary but .is unseen is eternal.   -2 Corinthians 4"18

DSCN1275Yes I am happy especially know that in our distant future there will be a lot more comings and goings.  There are times when our lives are quiet and dad and I fortunately are able to enjoy each other's company.
I even love hearing his version of the stories he tells.

So even though my faith is firm no one can live on the mountain top all the time!  We need the contemplative times to help us cultivate our inner resources.

We are so proud and happy with our extraordinary family even though you are all a little bit different and being a spicy variety as you come and go. Things are changing as you all get so very busy with your own lives and also live further away.

My greatest happiness comes in being thankful in all things.
I love writing my little blog and knowing that others enjoy it too brings me a lot of joy.  Some times I pick a title to be a little dramatic.  Writers license!
I am so thankful people come to visit even though it is sad to see them go.


nancy-Lou said...

Well I am thankful for you and your blog Beth. It greets me every day, faithfully and brings me interesting thoughts on faith and family. Getting to know the Bennett family is a reflection on what our purpose for life is all! The happy times, the sad times, the fun times...they all are there and you all manage them so well.
Beth, your photos are really give a lot of thought to them too. The first one on this blog has some fabulous values...squint and you will see the darks and lights really stand out.
Well I wish Mary and Simone a safe journey home.Isn't it amazing how quickly she has grown and become her own little person. She is a wonderful gift!
Have a restful weekend, love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

I saw the cutest little fluffy pink coat and a little pink purse or muff to match yesterday. I was wishing my granddaughter was still a little girl and I would buy it for her.
It would be adorable for Simone, but much to large! She would have to wait a year or two. Don't they have the cutest clothes for kids?

Anonymous said...

It was nice to have dinner lastnight Grama and Grampa, I will miss you both but am very happy you got to meet Simone and watch her grow. :) We will see you soon.

Love Mary

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of simone! Sorry sorry I missed seeinh her this time round.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a cutie little Simone .
Five days off for me after another hectic week at work.we are doing about 60 departures per shift , keeps ya busy.