Sunday, October 20, 2013


One is important!

They say if you practice something (I do not know who they are) a thousand times or ten thousand hours you will master it.  Well I have now gone on one thousand and one early morning walks so I have mastered it.  Very show steps for now.  I started out to take a few pictures and just keep going and I felt so good after.
DSCN1069A very short walk and a very lonely walk as no one seemed to be out and about.

So I stop and say Hi to this friendly little guy.

I am feeling much better this morning and now waiting for dad  to wake up on this Sat. morning.
Still some colorful pictures in the fog.  Enjoyed an afternoon visit with Sandra, Mary and Simone and Carol.  Carol made me a healthy fruit drink and some muffins.  Excellent.  We had supper at Boston Pizza which was okay but I was feeling low on energy.  Still pretty good all in all.

Yes there are some real cobwebs outside.  I am happy for the spiders to stay there because if you have ever had a spider bite it is miserable.

I have started reading my one thousand and one (an estimated guess) book about life,  and religion.
I have always liked the gospel of John so it will be interesting to read what Bishop Spong has to say.

So far I read "to understand this gospel one has to develop  Jewish eyes,"  I tend to agree.

Hoping to go off to church then a big nap and another family gathering at Sandra and Randy's with Carol and Kim making the food.  Great fun!  Well I am coughing too much, dad thinks too much activity yesterday and too much talking.  Talked to my brother on the phone also.


Sandra said...

Simone was not happy on the drive home so I got to give her a bath to help settle her down. Waiting to see if Mary wakes up early enough because I want to give the dogs their walk before we head off to the pumpkin patch. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Wow! It is hard to admit but I just cannot keep up with you young ones. Have a great day!
love mom

Anonymous said...

I hope you wear your reflector belt if your walk starts while it is still dark!

One thing the Zealot guy says is that Jewish religion in the days it was focused on the Temple and sacrifices amounted to a cult. I'm sure you won't be surprised that I tend to agree with him. I'm glad Fox News decided to attack the author otherwise I never would have read the book!



Anonymous said...

I hope you wear your reflector belt if your walk starts while it is still dark!

One thing the Zealot guy says is that Jewish religion in the days it was focused on the Temple and sacrifices amounted to a cult. I'm sure you won't be surprised that I tend to agree with him. I'm glad Fox News decided to attack the author otherwise I never would have read the book!



beth bennett said...

I would want to know what defines a cult?
love mom

Anonymous said...

The author doesn't present any definition of cult, but he does focus on the following:
- excessive ritual sacrifice of animals that had to be purchased by the people and killed by the priests
- the neurotic conception of "purity"
- the control of access to God by the priests
- the corruptions of money-changing and so.

In my view (and the author provides no direction on this point), this puts Judaism of the 1st century towards the cult end of the cult-religion spectrum as there is an obsession with ritual verging on magic, obsession with hierarchy, and little or no room for personal contemplation or connection with the god-shape. I admit that these traits continue in most if not all religions, but they are gradually moderated.



beth bennett said...

Interesting I have never liked those tiyuals

Theresa said...

Hi grandma! Just finished catching up on your blog posts. I don't check in as frequently as i should but I read back quite far. I think that Malcom Gladwell is who wrote about becoming an expert once you have spent 10,000 hours doing something... That is my two cents :)