Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Wondering how Haiti is doing.  I missed her on my walk today and I am sure all the dog owners missed her too as she is hit of the dog park.

Wondering why doctors start to treat you differently when you get older.  Many of my friends comment on this too.

 I am lucky to have a good family doctor and must tell him next time I go.  I have not felt like going to any doctor lately to be honest.

The doctor at dad's cancer clinic is a real gem.  He is kind and patient and takes lots of time explaining to us about the consequences of dad's choices.  Not easy discussions to listen to but information needed to make the right choices if we can.
So dad will not be getting another hormone shot at this time.

Dad is pleased he now knows how to pay parking tickets with his phone, which is good when you are running over-time and it prevents prevents you from getting a ticket.

I was very happy dad did not make a fuss about me going for a walk yesterday.  It is not easy and I feel very weak but it is important to keep doing it.  I enjoy the fresh air and being a part of the world outside my door.  I met a friend and we stood looking up in a tree trying to find the owl we could hear.  Little things are important.
I have decided I am going to wake up every morning and forget that I am getting old.  I will lie there and plan all the wonderful things I am going to do with my day.  Most of it does not get done but the fun is in the joy of being creative in my planning  and positive!
I am getting good at putting things in strange places but I am always surprised now when I find them again.

Both improving!


nancy-Lou said...

I am wondering if you are suffering from a magnesium deficiency, Beth. The weakness of muscles is one for the foremost symptoms and it is easy to add magnesium to your diet through foods such as nuts and supplements. It is a very common nutritional deficiency.

I admire our courage at forging on with your walks...even though you find them difficult.

I am sure you would miss Haiti...dogs become an integral part of our life, don't they? My two....Max and Bella are always by my side, even when I teach piano lessons...they curl up there. my students love them. Jewels, our Jacj Russell rescue whom we have had for 8 years....she is 13 now, is my husband's dog.

It is a beautiful spring contrast to my Edmonton cousins who are receiving snow! haha glad it them not us.

I hope you are feeling some better takes a long time to recover from bronchitis. So glad people are bringing you soup and stews etc....shoppiing for you too.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Haiti is having fun going for several walks a day, fitst with mein the morning, then with Carol again when she wakes up. She is a good doggie! Hope you and Larry are getting over teh bronchitis.

Sandra said...

That is wonderful if you can lie there and plan your day, whether or not you actually get around to doing it all.

I have to admit I have a hard time thinking of things to do that I enjoy. I have so many things I have to do that I do not enjoy that it takes all the fun away.

That is why I am glad you are coming over on Sunday, I enjoy feeding people.

Anonymous said...

You must be feeling a little better. Yes we were taking the magnesium power suppliments ( before bed as they help you sleep ) I didnt notice any differance... lol
very cold and windy here , feels like winter. Last 2am alarm wake up this am 10 days worth of sleep in's. Matthew and Jasmine enjoyed shopping for mothers day gifts at the 'mothers day stall" at school. Jassy and Matt bought some pressies for grandma as well....

beth bennett said...

I am taking Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc most nights.

Dad tried to go for a little bike ride today but it made him realize he was very weak.

I think it is just the bronchitis virus or whatever it is.

Time every takes time.

I predicted Calgary would win. We are cheering for Montreal but it looks doubtful to me.

Good the kids are buying for Melina Hope she enjoys her day and Ken you enjoy your sleep in's
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Those owls are tricky!

