Wednesday, April 5, 2017


It appears that there are signs of new growth in the garden.  It amazes me how things can grow even in small cracks.

It appeared that dad's cough was coming back and we were prepared for a difficult night but it settled down and we both slept well.

It appears that today will be another day of rain, but like Eeyore says "The nice think about rain is that it always  stops.  Eventually."

I will put in an appearance at the U.C. Women's meeting to-day.  I wish I could contribute more but even my appearance will make others happy.

Prayer understood and applied is the most potent instrument of  action."  Mahata Gandi.
So we have a short prayer to begin before we start planing future advents.  There is big rummage sale and a Strawberry Tea to be planned.  The whole congregation gets involved.

Prayer is putting love and energy out into the world.  For me it helps recharge my battery.  Soaking up the love that is around me.  Spiritually and physically.  Honest and humble with a thankful heart and a giving spirit of care and compassion and speaking and Listening.

The junk is piling up on our streets and it appears very messy, but by to-morrow it will all be gone.

It appears that "The voyage of discovery is not so much in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."  -Marcel Proust   Taking time to regain health patiently and see the value in eevery experience!


Steady-as-rain said...

Strawberry tea sounds good.

Glad Dad's cough is gone, at least for now.



nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear...not more rain! I know you had a lot this past winter. It doesn't rain often here and it has been abundantly sunny for days now. It is cool today, with a north wind but the sun makes it much warmer. I hung the laundry out yesterday and today and it smells wonderful when it comes in.

Bella is absolutely fascinated with the budgie. She stands up on her hind legs trying to see it so i brought it down today and let her have a good look. The budgie didn't budge as her nose was almost right up to it on the other side of the bars. Bella has a "thing" for birds. When a bird hits the window as they often do in the fall during migration, she races out and picks them up in her mouth...very carefully, and brings them in to me. Never hurts them.

Our car came home from the garage and is all fixed up we have wheels once again! I am going into Winnipeg tomorrow to pick up a few things and buy another budgie for the lady bird. to replace the one that died at her previous home.

Prayer is a great help to me too brings me solace and comfort. I had to make arrangements yesterday to have our son's dog euthanized and it was hard to do. Prayer helped make the decision. She is 14 now. the one that was lost for 2 days and nights. The vet will come to the house. Our son just couldn't do it.

I wish you a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

The strawberry tea is usually a good success
as people from the school come over.
I usually sell the books.

Nancy What a painful but caring thing you our doing
for your son. So very sad.

Dad's cough has come back a little.

Love mom

Sandra said...

So much fun happening around your house all the time, even when you are not feeling well.

Sorry to hear about your sons dog Nancy-Lou, it is a hard thing to have to go through.

Randy is madly working on the plumbing at night now till we get the sink and dishwasher hooked up. He is trying to not take time off work since he will be off for 10 days.

No kittens yet.
