Monday, April 3, 2017


The early morning sun graces our back yard with light.  Very welcomes.

Sorry that dad and  did not get over to see Sandra.  Dad had a stomach ache and did not want to be far from the bathroom.

We both miss family visits but we will get there this week.

This morning I went to the chiropractor and he was very nice and very kind.  It appears to be the sciatic nerve but not sciatica.  Another joy of getting older.

Is he pulling my leg?  Yes he did.

I go again Wed. afternoon.  I certainly am not grace full climbing on to his examining table. I feel like I am going to fall off.

"Humility is a real Christian virtue"  Philip Yancy

We do not have all the answers. 

If instead of judging people we would look at them with the eyes of grace how much better the world would be!

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Grace....well it must be the grace of God who helped us find our sons dog. this was her third day missing. It was especially worrisome because there are coyotes and wolves here and she is 14, totally deaf and not well. Thanks to facebook and my posts someone found her and I just picked her up. I think our son will have to make a decision as to what to do...she may have to be euthanized. Her hips are painful and shaky....she has a lot of pain. She is totally deaf as well. 14 is pretty good for a medium size dog.

Love Nancy