Friday, April 14, 2017


Out of tragedy and even death life carries on.
Our hearts beat and we find comfort in the love of family and friends and God!
Dad and I have often attended church on this sober day of reflection.
Aware of our own brokenness.
Aware that even in the darkest days light will prevail.

I am thankful to be able to keep in touch with Jane.  Today the family is meeting to make plans to support each other in this difficult time.  Pray for wisdom and strength.

Leah and Craig are driving to Kamloops to visit his aging grandmother so she will see Ophelia. 
Pray for a safe journey and the energy to visit.

Dad and I are looking forward to attending Ben's soccer game and seeing Theresa and Morgan and maybe Mikie.  It has been a long time and we have missed them.  We have just learnt that Carol had a car accident weeks ago when a man old or young ran a red light and totaled her car but neither was hurt.  Very thankful.

The game is at two as a team is traveling from St. Albert, Alberta I think.  The game will be at 

My thoughts.

We remember the anguish that Jesus experienced in his final act of sacrifice.  He had walked and taught in Galilee and Judea suffering all the human emotions that we suffer in our lives.  He experienced exhaustion, disappointment with family and friends, sadness and grief over facing the death of a friend, compassion for the sick, the poor and the feeble unable to help themselves, and fear and trembling know he was facing the agony of a painful death.  

At the last meal with his disciples he shares the bread and wine and asks them to remember this as the way he will nourish future believers.

"This is my body (my energy, emotion and strength) given for you.)"

The cross the way of divine life-giving and unconditional love.

The cross the way of forgiveness and mercy.

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