Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Lots of things seem to vanish or go missing around our house!

Dad's cough seems to have vanished.  Now it will take great effort to regain his strength especially with his feet getting worse.  As we age there are challenges for all of us to try to be healthy and fit.

Everyone longs to be loved and that is one thing dad and I can still try hard to do. It is so much easier when you have a loving family.  Loving ourselves is just as important.

This week is junk week when we can put out our junk to be picked up in big trucks.  I have put a few things out and they have vanished already.  I helped a young girl load a rug into her car and it was fun struggling and laughing together.

So much of what I grew up with is now vanishing.  I think dad and I lived in a wonderful time  to be children.  Becoming adults in a changing world was difficult for me.  Exciting and challenging.
A time to create my own world!

Now it seems that Christianity is vanishing with so many churches closing.  The church has been a second home for me.  What has happened to the testimonies of those whose life has been changed when their eyes were opened to the beauty of faith.

The challenge is to let the good news be good news and life changing not threatening.

Our story is carried on by those who are reaching out to help others and also by artists who sing or paint their story that touches the hearts of those who see and who listen.

I will always believe that loving Christians do make a difference in the world and it is not because they are perfect but because they care.  Faith has the power to transform empty lives into a life of grace and thankfulness and this will never, no never, vanish!


Sandra said...

Mixing things up with an early morning post?

I am hoping that soon I can say everything is back in its place. We are never 100% sure where we last had something as things have been shuffled around so much.

No kittens yet. Oh, does dad have an old i phone he is not using? I wanted to set it up like Craig and Leah did to watch the momma cat while I am at work.


nancy-Lou said...

I have lots of junk to get rid of too...gradually taking it in to the sally ann.

It is sad that Christianity is fading away...it sure had it's glory days like when we were young...I remember the reverence I had for everything to do with the church. My faith is so strong still...but religion has left me. I find what I need inside me now...God lives there I believe...in all of us. We just have to know how to get in touch with him and live the life he would want us to.

That is a cute idea to set up the phone so Sandra can see what is happening with mommy cat. Exciting times for sure. Modern technology is amazing isn't it Beth? But I would be glad to give it all up to return to the innocent and happy days we had as kids. Times have changed so much. I woldn't even care if we had tv...we would get back to socializing like we used to instead of staring at screens. Oh boy, I am sounding like an old fuddy duddy.

Would you give up modern technology to return to the 1950's?

Well i have spent tye morning looking for our sons dog and now that I have found her after three days on the run and three days of looking for her I have a ton of things to do...so off I go.

I wish you a wonderful day...filled with little pain and a great walk and bike ride for you both,

love, nancy

beth bennett said...

I always thought it was great when you went away to a cabin.

No news and no T,V.

I think the thing I do not like now are I phones.

People are on them all the time.

Conversation will be a lost art.

So I agree with you.

Good luck Sandra with finding everything and whereever it goes it will be the right place.

I guess the kittens can come anyday now.

That is exciting.
