Friday, April 21, 2017


A very strange day.

Now we are all used to dad telling strange stories like when he went up north to prospect for gold.
He and Ron had staked a claim but I think this time he had gone alone.  He found a little stream and was panning for gold when the water stop flowing.  He looked up stream and there was a bear in the water looking at him.  They looked at each other for a while then day went back to his panning.  When he looked again his friend had gone.  He laughs when he tells this story.

We go to take our things to the yard sale and end up bring home two little table.  We do not need more things.  If something new is added I have to change everything around.  Dad and I do not agree on where they should go.  That is strange because he usually is not fussy about furniture.

I tried to help at the yard sale but put things in the wrong places.  Everything seem strange as they are doing it a bit different this year,  Very organized.  We have a room full of just books.

We drive down to the beach for fish and chips but when he finds his favorite place is closed he leaves the beach and we drive to Milestones.  That is my favorite restraint but I was looking forward to being at the beach and taking a few pictures.  At least I had a couple as we drove down the main street.

We get home and dad goes for a bike ride which is good not strange.

I lift my cup of coffee up stairs by the computer and he volunteers to go up and get it.  So I wait and wait and finally go up to find him asleep on the bed.  We do get tired easily but this was a little strange.

I have to admit we are both a little strange but I blame old age.

Maybe strange is the new normal!

Today we drive Kim to the airport about 11 to visit Hamlet of course.

Oliver phoned to say he has a hockey tournament  and will drop in about 6.
We are looking forward to having a visit.
The young people are always coming and going.
They keep love and faith and hope alive.

"People see God everyday
they just do not recognize Him"
Pearl  Bailey


nancy-Lou said...

That is a good story about the bear and Larry. He did what is right, not to panic and the bear usually saunters off. They are curious, but generally more afraid than we are.
I thought we had a bear here last night trying to break into the garden shed, but I couldn't see anything when I turned on the lights. I take bear spray with me now on the walks...more for the cougar than the bears. i hope to never see the cougars...there are more in the area now anad I am sure will be more with new kits being born.

Aren't Kim and Hamlet the cutest couple? Where does he live? he looks to be Lebanese? Is he?
Have a great weekend Kim...if you read this!

There are so many books for sale now...i think due to the ebooks. People are getting rid of the "real books" they have. Such a shame when there is so much more to a real book. I hope at the thrift stores and find lots to read.

won't that be a treat to have a visit from Oliver? I wouldn't think you would see him often when he lives in Ucluelet. it is quite a journey to get there...but my favourite place in the whole world.

it is lunch time so I will get busy in the kitchen. Have a good day Beth,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Yes you and dad can certainly claim your strange badges proudly. Randy and I were just heading out for our walk with Peanut last night when the neighbour stopped to talk to us.

She announced that she has decided to let her hair go grey like mine. She has been going every 4 weeks to get it dyed for ages at a cost of over $150 each time. I was glad that I could inspire her. She thinks she will be very grey, but then I thought I was going to be a lot greyer than I turned out to be when I first grew mine out 4-5 years ago.

The strange part was Randy had on his bright yellow rain coat, on top of his blue plaid house coat with bright white runners. I was somehow hoping if I just kept eye contact with her she would not notice... she did. She said she has started walking the dog in her jammies in the morning and thought Randy looked just fine.

Then, even stranger yet, I stopped a woman that I did not know on my walk this morning and talked to her!!! I thought her name was Sandra and it was. Our cabinet guy had mentioned where his parents lived and I had seen her there before. We had a nice talk, she has 11 grand children and they all live local. I told her she was very lucky.

Randy will be coming home early from work today and then driving me to Dr Noltes for my shoulder check up.

Have you and dad thought of a costume yet for the party on the 6th? I still think it is strange when you guys say you do not have time to do things, you do not work or have pets or cook all that much.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra I do not know either.

find it very strange.

Glad you are being friendly to neighbors.

I sneak out the garbage in my house coat
and hope no one is looking. Sometimes I put
my jacket on over top.

Welcome to strange ways to inspire others with gray hair
and p.j.'s

Hamlet is from Cuba so he must be Cubian.

Love mom
They are a cute couple.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

I called in sick and went to the dr. Bit of an infection. Got some pills and should be cleared up in a couple days. If your marriage can make thought the first week of hockey play offs you are doing well. The games start her at 9am and Finnish at 4pm. That's a lot of hockey !! And the worse part is all the games have been close and exciting. ( except Edmonton loss )
Working late shift this week. I can hear the rain on the roof that's a good sign.