Saturday, April 29, 2017

OVER -DONE April 29

How quickly it can happen.

It can happen so easily especially when I am cooking and I end up with a burnt mess.

If I walk too far I end up tired and cranky.

Too much coffee, or juice, or sugar, or bread is unhealthy.

Too much over-eating or dieting

Staying up too late or getting up too early

Feeling too negative about myself
especially when I cannot find things
like my favorite top and my gold cross.

Did I give it away?

Too much noise

Too much talking

Too much religion?

Each day brings the promise of hope and joy and love and friendship.
Knowledge that I can start again with healing words of faith.
Some things I need to just let go of, to release and to get over.

Move on.

God never gives up on me so I should not give up on myself. 

Dad had a bad night with asthma again.  Not good.


Sandra said...

Sounds like a lot of a lot. I guess dad mentioned I called looking to see if Oliver was around. I decided to channel my brave sister and just went and got the mattress all by my self. The couple who were selling it helped me tie it on top of the car and then I drove home in the rain very slowly! I was a little nervous buying a used mattress, but I looked it up online and it was $1000 new and they were selling it for $100. They lived in a brand-new town house in White Rock and about my age so I just trusted them that it came from their guest room and was hardly used.

Randy has been doubling for two days in a row, have not really seen him all weekend. He is taking 3 days off for the party. Don't forget, it is on Saturday. I found a place in Surrey that rents costumes and I will get you both something to wear. I just want Randy to be happy, he has looked forward to this party for so long.


Client Strengths said...

What a nice post Mom. I hope Dad's asthma gets better. I wish I could be there for the StarWars party.

I booked a flight to come home already! I arrive Friday, May 26th in Seattle at around 10:00pm. I'll be there to see Morgan's dance recital!
So excited!
See you in a month.

Steady-as-rain said...

Look on the bright side. A bit of burned food is just an excuse to order-out, or get something from the deli, or go to the Green Lettuce.

I do find it frustrating, however, when I can't find a bit of clothing that I want to wear. So I'm hoping your favourite top shows up eventually.



Steady-as-rain said...

And I hope Dad gets to feeling better. I guess he is still coughing a lot?

beth bennett said...

Carol that is so exciting to know you will be here in May.

Looks like it will be an exciting month.

Ben goes away sometime in May.

Panteli is out in the garden waiting for my instructions
so I had better go.

Dad is having a rest and he has to learn how to best
treat the asthma. Lots of pollen in the air.

Going to Sandra and Randy's for supper. Yaa Hoo

Love mom