Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Yes I doubter that there was such a thing as a short blend of Sunflower.
The answer lay in this
little fascinating seed store in Ladner.
The happiest gals work there and are so helpful.

Doubt is a part of faith.  We will never know all the answers.

Both Peter and Thomas doubted in different ways.  Peter doubted that he would lose faith by denying Jesus and Thomas would not believe until he touched the side of Jesus.

We can believe in God and yet be doubtful of his role in this life of cruelty and suffering.

I had no doubt that lunch would be a huge success at Sandra's even without Randy's helpfulness.

Sometimes I doubt my own memory of things especially when dad and I remember things differently.

Life is full of surprises as I write about friendship in the morning Pat and John drop by in the afternoon. She calls me her partner in crime!  I have no doubts about their friendship for us both.

The Van. Sun writes "Christianity has made peace with its doubters."

"Faith is a virtue" that needs no proof but when there is doubt it can be a "stepping stone to faith".

Faith continues to grow stronger in me even when I feel the ground under me shake.

Faith has shaped my life and taught me what to value what is good in life!


Sandra said...

Are you going to plant the sunflower seeds? I already bought some for my house. I will drop by after work today and pick up the ax digger thing, unless you happen to drop if off at my house.


nancy-Lou said...

Doesn't that look like a lovely assortment of sunflowers...lots of colours. I do love sunflowers and am thinking of planting some here. The birds love them too and by the middle of August the seeds are usually all gone.

Doubters...it is a funny thing but when someone doubts me, I try even harder! It worked every time and there have been quite a few times I was doubted and I proved them wrong! haha.

Today was a day to change the bird cage to a newer one that can hang from a hook. It took quite a while and I let the three budgies out in my studio while I did it. They were so funny...it was all new to them and they stayed all together on the window and watched the birds outside.I was fortunate to catch two together and then the green one took off and was flying all around the room. I was able to catch him easily and he gave me a good bite.
They are happy in the cage and singing to beat the band.

How are Sandra's kitties doing? My cat, Gilbert is 14 and not really interested in the budgies. He sleeps a lot of the time now.

I am not so sure about the quote that Christianity has made peace with it's doubters. it seems to me that Christianity has more doubters now than when I was young. Sad to seek, really.

We have a doe and her fawn ( from last summer ) who come and look in the bay kitchen window while I make supper. They wait for me to throw them out an apple or a carrot or whatever leftover greens I have. They are so tame that I can almost walk right up to them. Others have tamed them by feeding them oats all winter and it is a shame because there are people here who hunt the deer that have been tamed ....there is not shooting allowed here, but they use a bow and arrow. The police know about it but don't seem to do much about it.

I am glad that you are looking at senior residences. it is good to be prepared and know what you would like to do once the time comes to move. I have read up on quite a few options too and some of them you have to apply 5 years in advance. But for now, looking and keeping up on what is available is good.

I will be teaching another collage workshop on Saturday. this one will be easier and a one lesson painting, rather than a two lesson. The last one we did was quite involved and interesting.
We painted a background that was dark browns and a few yellows and pasted on letters and numbers and music and newspaper cuttings...all kinds of things in layers. then we cut out white daisy petals made from newspapers....and pasted them on to make a daisy flower. We used newspaper to paint the large yellow centres too...we used gold threads and some turquoise diamond shapes....it was really creative and my class did so well. Proud of them. teens. I cannot paste a photo here or I would and you could see it.

How is Jane doing? I wondered if I should drop her a note? I noticed she hasn't been on your blog for quite a while and was thinking of her often. She must have a heavy cross to bear with her husband having Alzheimers. so often the caregiver takes too long to put them into care and it takes a toll of them.

I wish you a lovely evening, Beth and Larry,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

I am late getting back to reading your comments.

The story about your budgies is really funny.

Dad too much today and dad had trouble with the Income Tax.

Off to bed now.