Saturday, April 22, 2017


Kim was here in very good time so we actually stopped for lunch at the River Inn on the way.
A beautiful summer day.  Everything would go well with her departure I am sure.  Not like the time we have taken the Aussies and when they were on stand bye they did not always get on.  Tyler was here in the winter and we made several trips to the airport.  Always good to see people come and then there are happy and sad departures.  This was a happy occasion. 
Dad and I were so pleased to have a visit from Oliver and catch up on his news.  We are very proud of his hard work and that he is continuing his education to be a navigator.  He will have lots of fun at the hockey tournament with his friends from Victoria.   
Our neighbors trying to cut branches down.  We were all laughing.

My lens is a little fuzzy again.

We had a busy day for the two of us.  First thing in the morning we took a couple of things over to the church sale.  They were having morning coffee with all the work done.  A good way to make friends and be a friend.  

I will go over and help with the books and dad can have lunch there if he wants.  The women out number the men but a fun group who work well together.  It has been like a second home to us!

A house becomes a home as it is more and more lived in with special treasures in every corner.

A home is a place where we welcome all the arrivals!


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, lots of trips to the airport over the years.

Good to see Oliver. Hope he is doing well in his studies.

That was a funny story about Dad going upstairs to get your cup of coffee and then falling asleep!



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick we do know the way to the airport.

Oliver seems to be doing well in his studies
and his plans for the next year. A short visit
but really nice to see him.

So now you are the expert in Yorkshire Pudding.
Good because you really like it.

Any up dates on your health?

Love mom