Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Trees shelter us with a multiply of leaves; and green is a calming color; and they grow so tall. We can eat all the fruit off them we like so life has improved since the days of so many "Thou shalt NOT". Unless our ears have just gotten deafer! I have many choices where to sit and enjoy my water.

Well I can drink a glass of water first or have my coffee. I decided to drik the water then spill the can of coffee on the floor. I will not have to worry about meal planning for today. or cooking so it is just like I am on a holiday,

I am now learning to spell the word colonoscopy which is really not that difficult but it is not one my frevent words that I use.

Life is all about enjoying the moment so I am enjoying this moment. The morning is cool but the sun is shining. I slep in until 7 which was unusual.

I know I have some junk to clear out of closests so that probably would be a good idea. I am sure if I water the garden it will just keep me running in to the bathroom. I have never drank 8 glasses of water in the morning and in the afternoon. I thought 4 was beyond the call of duty.
Part of my personality is a stong sense of duty, which can be positive or negative.

Had a visit from Jaz. It is hard to think of this lovely young lady shooting people from an airplane, or whatever her secret mission is. Took har home and found out Cathy had a colonoscopy yesterday so I think it is becoming most popular. We laugh and we hug.

Oh by the way Sandra owes me a hug she picked up her study book and was on her way home to hubby before I could think.

Why is there a story about two adams in Genesis and does it really matter? People can make a big deal of it. They represent the teo dimensions of our individual struggles. We can be creative, dynamic, active and responsible or we can be dreamers who see the holy in every bud and blossom, in the morning breeze or the stillness of the evenning sky shining with the moon and stars,

My walk will be short today bu I should be able to finesh one book. I guess after 46 years I should not complain about having to repeat this test; after all it should do me another 46 years.
I wish I knew how to put fuuny people on like Stephen or Jessie but I am asure I can find a tree in my picture collection.

Had a good talk with Melina and Ken and Matthew. They have had a lot of windy weather but should enjoy their visit to Brisbance for Tyler's birthday bash. Maybe Ken will even get his birthday present! Onw most always live in hope!


Anonymous said...

good luck with your fasting and drinking. We booked our hotel at the Gold Coast . Artique Resort , if you want to have a look .


Anonymous said...

I did not know there were two Adams?
And I will have to double hug next time!