Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I like all my pictures so it is hard to choose. This one has more light!
If I had not looked out my side window I would have missed all this!

A little white flower hidden from view. I lift it up with my hand so it can be seen.

I would like to live in a beautiful world where flowers grow fast and weeds, if we have to have them, take their time. Good things happen to good people and those who work hard would succeed. We would learn how to really love each other and hold the happiness of others as a sacred trust.

Gramma's have wonderful dreams for their grandchildren even as they did for their own children. Not all dreams come true and as we get older that should become easier to believe; but it does not.

Reality stares us in the face as we see the pictures on the front page of the newspaper; stravation, war, viloent storms, raging fires, people killing other people. We become paralyzed by anxiety because our dreams seem to be fading away and life is not easy. We all do our best to make the right choices and as long as we keep learning from our failures then our hopes and dreams will return.

No matter what we are going through it will pass. Life will change and little hands will bring us their treasures to share and our time with each other is precious. There is a child in each of us that allows us to laugh and giggle one moment but sigh and be sad just as easily.

As I was getting ready for bed and closing the curtain thinking I am just to tired to do anything more I see this beautiful sky out my window as I turn to open the side window. What a beautiful picture I say and grab my camera and I walk around the block taking pictures. I meet a few people on the way, young teen-agers ignore me, but older people smile at me gently and pass by.

I am amazed at all the beautiful pictures on face book and I love to dream about being in the places I see.

"Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed
but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier." unknown author anyway by me.

Anyway what I am trying to say that we will always feel pain, maybe our own or maybe anothers, but we must hang on to our dreams. As long as we can reach out and give a hug and feel loved our lives become more secure.


Anonymous said...

I think to me it is a matter of being present in the moment, but still knowing that this is not all there is, there is a future. If we are lucky there is a future. My freind Liz who I had lunch with last week, went to visit her mom on Monday. Her mom still lives on her own in a house. They had a good visit, then Tuesday morning she gets a call from the neighbore her mom has died. I wonder if she hugged her mom when she left that last time? Maybe I should hug more?

beth bennett said...

Yes I think we should go do that! but planting a butterfly garden is the next best thing!

love mom