Friday, August 7, 2009


Fire can be a good thing when it is contained but right now forest fires are burning all over B.C. Australian fire fighters have arrived to help us put out these fast growing flames that are making people flee from their houses.
They say some are from careless people throwing away cigarettes or not putting out camp fires and some are from lightning strikes.

Anyone who has been in brownies or cubs has been well trained in putting our fires. Why do they not have those adds on T.V. of Smokey the Bear showing you how to prevent fires?

Travel to far places. Not me.

Some people want to do brave things like climb mountains. Not me!

Why do things that are not so good for you come in such beautiful bottles? While orange juice comes in a plain plastic carton. Actually bottles are very interesting and come in so many different colours and shapes. Maybe we will go visit the antique store today. After I attempt my walk with Janet.
Actually this is just tea and the bottle is now out in recycling.

Our lives are coloured by different desires that can challenge or tempt us or bring out the fighting spirit within us to make this world a better place. They have the greatest potential also to help us grow spiritually.
Wisdom does not come easy but often only after we have made some bad choices. Often it is the little things we neglect come back to haunt us. Why did I not do that or think of the right thing to say when the opportunity came?
Some people see the nursing home as a sad place but I see it as a place of stories. Ann, the librarian, and I talk about books together and her face comes alive. Audry asks me the same questions over and over again but we both agree that families are the most important thing in life. Her son died suddenly and another son is in a wheel chair and does not keep in touch but her daughter comes once a week. She was a nurse but forgets a lot about her past.
Daisy is usually just sleeping so I sit and say a little prayer for her.
Dear, May, who was 100 years old and loved to tell jokes has passed away. It is sad to see her empty room. Dad had a good visit with Bob last week when he was waiting for me and learned he had learned to fly but ended up working on the railway. Somethng I never knew. He says his wife is in Australia.
It is a cooler day today so much nicer for walking. Dad had a big bike ride to the library yesterday so that was good.
"Gramma's and children take life a day at a time and like stopping to look at butterflys and to talk to cats." from my Gramma Book


Anonymous said...

And then on the opisite end of the spectrum is Mary and MJ, off to the Ikea in Ontario today to start filling their little apartment. Their stories are just starting, their mistakes and regretts hopefully will be few.

Anonymous said...

Yes, they should bring back those Smokey the Bear fire prevention commercials. What did he say? "Even you can prevent forest fires!" or something like that.

