Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Even the water shed is still closed
Most doors we see are closed

This one looks beautiful

This is the path to the park where there usually are chidren playing.
I wish that churches could expressed the feeling that the door is wide open. That all are welcome. One of the shame that took place in Sodom and Gormorrah was the hatred of foreigners which caused anger to be stirred up.
I think about what Jesus said "I am the door" and I believe he meant an open door. When we enter someones house we may be curious what is inside and find different cultures decorate differently
I was reading today that one of the most important teachings of the Jewish Rabbis was that the Torah was written not in black ink on white parcharment but in black fire on white fire and that the white fire, the blank spaces, were waiting in every generation to be read anew.
Midrash means searching into the spaces between the letters, between the words, between the verses for the hidden treasures always to be found there.
Jesus tells us the door is open and he tells us stories for us to find out the real meanings. One day we see one thing but another day we see it differently.
This helps us see God as the breath of Life that moves and nothing is ordinary but has a sacredness about it. A simple glass of water both healing and refreshing.


Anonymous said...

The tittle is wide open doors, but then your pictures are all of closed doors, I smell a story coming.

Anonymous said...

Yes I just noticed that.

Anonymous said...

But that is the past to Safeway, not to the park?

Anonymous said...

No you are wrong that is the path to the park