Monday, August 10, 2009


The garden seems to like rain better than the watering from the house, at least it seeems to be it does. Things seem to grow in spurts after the rain.
It was nice to wake up to rain on the window pain. The house is cool and a blanket to snuggle up in is good.
Yesterday was busy with church, blackberry picking, getting peaches cut up for desert for our company, I made a gluten free cake for us all. We got home from Kin's house at New Westminster just one minute before our company arrived. Just had to whipp the whip cream put on tea and coffee and we were all set.
We enjoyed a good visit at Kim's and Mike's. He came home just as we were leaving so it was mostly girls, Carol, Sandra, Kim and I with dad. Kim had won some steak from work but I am glad she cooked fish. We are sure going to miss her as she goes off to the Grand Cammon Islands on Aug. the 4 to look for a job there. Mike expects to get work there too. It is so hard to have your family far away from you even though we can keep in touch with computers etc.
Our study was good, lots of discussion and laughter but we always have questions. I like the Jewish way of quoting different Rabbi's but never giving a definite answer. The simple answer is that spirituality that has grown into religion that has made rules instead of valueing compassion, kindness, generosity, forgiveness mixed with a lot of common sense. We need to come to terms with our own inner feelings so that we can understand the feelings of others.
People have a need to be listened to, to express their opinions and whether they want or take your advice it really does not matter. Deep down in our hearts we know what is the best thing to do but our minds will question our decisions if we allow it to.
We have no proof of how many berries we picked as we have given them to Carol and hopefully there is enough for a pie.


Anonymous said...

Yes, and I had 2 cats snuggling up with me too.

Anonymous said...

I think you are developing your creative skills a photographer Mom.

