Saturday, August 8, 2009


A little dog waits patiently outside the store. I wish I could learn to be as patient!
Dad walks to the store with signs of fall around his feet.

On another day these view may be beautiful but it is sad and dreary today.

Life is not a game about winning but about learning how to lose with grace and cheerfulness. The best made plans always fail to work out perfectly. A happy day can turn into a sad day; and it reminds us that our others who need to be listened to with compassion because they are feeling sad.

I must never allow myself to become removed from the pain of others.

Even Paul wrote ,
I do not understand what I do
For what I want to do I do not do
but what I hate [dislike] I find myself doing.

I often say the wrong thing and I often feel wounded by the words of others and end up feeling irritable and annoyed. Is there any hope for any of us. Maybe I can learn to say "you may be right dear. I will think about it". Maybe my way of looking at life is all wrong. One thing that I have learned from reading is that the forces of good and evil are very powerful and very real; and truth is very difficult to be discerned. I am a mystery to myself. And others are even harder to understand.
My emotions seem to rise up from deep within me and have a life of their own.

We may never be "good" enough to please others but to become spiritually strong we find that we are sometimes called to sacrifice our goodness to risk being wrong or to try and help someone by listening when you know because of their painful past they will continue to make the same mistakes. My words may fall on deaf ears if they do not want to hear.

The Bible is not a book to be read as a call to war to conguor those who disagree.

Jesus reveals the truth when he says that "religion" which is meant to bring hope and trust and love into a hurting world can cause hurt even in our families. We have to take an overall look at the purpose that can seem hidden by those who wrote from their understanding at the time they wrote. We see a culture being shaped and yet we do not understand the difficulties that were surrounding those who were living at that time.

I am deeply saddened by violence and hatred especially if "religion" is used to justify it. We see the effects of war on the T.V. every night and there seems to be no end.

Without forgiveness the world will never change. Without letting the past go we will never see the hope of a new future.


Anonymous said...

Wise words Mom.



Anonymous said...

Is this all because I got dad riled up about the bible? Did you guys continue your "dicussion" on the drive out to UBC?