Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Yes, I would love to be a child again to run and jump and play. I use to love climbing and jumping as a child. I love watching the small children in our neighborhood as they stop and look at the little figures hidden in our flowers. They also run up to see the little waterfall so happy and excited. We also hide bones for Cathy's dog Murphy to find as he walks by. We bought the bones to try and make friends with the dog next door but he is allowed to eat only special ones. He does not bark at us so much anymore or else I just do not notice it.

I went shopping yesterday to find some warmer winter pants and came home with a pair that I thought the waist size said 24 but it was the size period. Dad and I had a good laugh. Also they were on sale and I thought I was getting a bargain.

I like seeing the leaves start to change colour but I do not like the darker mornings at all. You would think it would help me sleep in but not so far.

No big plans for today except to visit the health food store for some stuff that helps dad's eyes.

We both have to be careful as we walk down the stairs no more running and jumping for us.


Anonymous said...

Good to know I dont have to worry about you two jumping down the stairs any more. : ) It is a beatiful morning even if the sun is up a little latter. I hope the fall lingers a while and we dont get into the dreary rain of winter too fast. Just makes it so much nicer to drive into work with the sun peaking up rather then the windsheild wipers going.

Pinetreeannie said...

Childhood is a magical time isn't it? I guess that is why those memories burn bright in our hearts.
We have a foster family living across from us and I so enjoy hearing them outside playing....their laughter trickles across the street and through my studio window as I paint. It reminds me of when I was young and we played outdoors all day long. When the street lights came on it was time to go home! If I was otherwise needed back home, my father, ( who had a loud voice from his army days ) would holler, NANCY and it could be heard for blocks!
Had a good laugh about the pants Beth..I could just see tiny you in those baggy pants. I usually buy a couple of pairs of sweats from Marks Work Wearhouse, but here in Manitoba in the winter I need to wear overpants as well.
Going for a lovely walk today amongst the falling leaves along the lake. Gorgeous morning, sunny, almost frosty, 2 degrees this morning. Hope you have a good day.
love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you guys for your comments.