Wednesday, September 29, 2010


It was 54 years ago that your dad and I left sunny Regina, where we had just been married, to fly to fogy and wet Vancouver.  Foggy weather but also fogy uncertainty as dad had to complete his training as an Air Traffic Controller.  I would have to learn how to take the bus around to search for a job.  The unexpected happen when I became pregnant with a tubal pregnancy and was told I needed total bed rest.  I remember lying in bed crying not wanting to lose this baby.  We were blessed with the good news after a painful night that the pregnancy was going to be alright; as far as they could now tell.  There was no ultra-scan etc.  We had two names picked out one was Richard if it was a boy and Carol if it was a girl.

We found a basement suite and at that time rentals were very scarce.  We had an old car that broke down within a month and then dad had to take the bus to work with cardboard stuffed in his shoes and his lunch bag in his hand.  I was finally able to own a dog and was so glad of his happy presence during the many hours I was alone.

A few months later we were able to move into a run-down triplex; the old air force housing near the airport.  It looked so depressing when I drove up to it I did not even want to go in.  But it was the right move and as I spent time painting over the next week while dad went off to work it started to look better.

Love that starts out as romantic has to grow into a stronger and more mature relationship.  We went through some difficult times together.  Out of the crushing of the grapes comes the wine. 

So we enjoy the good days when we feel healthy and help one another when we do not.

 We have not made any definite plans for today but are thinking about going to Vandusen Gardens.


Anonymous said...

Well, you certainly will have beatiful weather where ever you decide to go today.
Happy Anniversery.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! (I totally forgot, again.)

Lovely story about the start of your life in BC.



Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Mom and Dad.
Ken and family