Tuesday, January 18, 2011


What a difference a few hours make when a beautiful dining room is changed into a very messy, well used table.  It is an art to be able to create such beauty. 

A day can also make a difference as I felt much better yesterday.  My walking is slow but I am doing the whole thing which is good.  Then dad and I went to the library and we met friends there. I am always happy looking at books.  After dad came home and had a bike ride we went to the movie "The King's Speech" and enjoyed it very much. We were among a lot of older people just like us, retired and able to enjoy half-price day. A different world and a different time.

I am reading about the man who started A.A. and the struggles he went through.  Now it is one of the most effective treatment program using a three pronged approach, addressing the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of addiction.

"Bill Wilson stripped Christian principles to the basics, helplessness, honesty, repentance, restitution, dependence, prayer and community-and set them loose with a minimum of doctrine and a maximum of love."  from What Good is God by P. Yancy.  Yes, we are all vulnerable to addictions of one thing and another, often in our search for happiness and relief from pain.

We all would like to be happy and to sing our way through our days.  Each one of us would have a difference answer to what makes life happy and worthwhile.  I know at times I have acted or said things that I have regretted and find human behavior, myself and others, sometimes hard to understand. 

We are all just works in progress and if we look find guidelines from outside and within ourselves to help us improve.  This morning my car is covered with frost and I plan to go to the U.C.W. meeting.  When I get home maybe dad and I will try and find the new store that sells the glulten=free bread.  Listening to Susanne Summers makes you realize how these allergies can affect you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I am sure I had chocolate hearts left over, but I have not seen them. I will have to ask Randy if he knows where they are.