Saturday, January 8, 2011


One cute little puppy who wants a home but does not need to be walked.

Two good legs that made it down to Zellers but needed a ride home, not quite back to normal.

Found two presents but hope they are the right size. 

Found the biggest birthday party for a one year old in the basement of Cathy and Glens/
Yes, Yuri is now one.

Found a chocolate cake made just for me.  Yuri was not sharing it because he was exploring it with his hands making a big mess until he found it tasted good then the mess was on his face.

Found a good husband who takes care of me when I am under the weather, and even though we disagree about a lot of things he is a very caring and compassionate human being.  Jesus loves him and so do I.
Found in the Bible stories of a very messed up, very sinful but very human people who certainly needed a God to sort them out.  A God of thunderbolts and lightning sounded just right; someone who would help them conquer and kill in His name.

Found Jesus, compassionate but confusing; tender and yet stern; generous yet demanding; real but unreal.

Found a Jesus that tells me He loves me and will always go for a wold and a talk with me.  Often just in my big comfy chair.


Anonymous said...

You have been sick?

Yes, Jesus is a different thing than the bloody old testament God that loves only Jews and kills happily on the Jews' behalf. A revolting idea, of course, and one that lies near the heart of conventional, church-ridden Christianity, which is a bit worrisome.



beth bennett said...

Dad agrees! You too do not understand the Jewish belief in scripture which is to re-intepret and argue about them.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better soon mom .
Any Big News ???? Maybe a wedding over

beth bennett said...

Yes I have been miserable sick with a flu, bad cough, aching all over , headaches and misery swirling all around me.

The amazing think is we forgey how miserable a flu cold can be.

I am getting better. Missing my walking very much.

I disagree with your idea of what is at the heart of Christianity.

Love and compassion, grace and forgiveness. The Menonight Brethren do not believe in signing up for war neither do the Quackers.

The United Church is sending people over to Isreal and Palestine to try to being peace.

Jesus told Peter to put away his sword.

We need to talk and to listen to make this world a peaceful place.
Jesus said, "My Peace I leave you now go and share all you have and all you have been taught.

love mom