Monday, January 3, 2011


I finally let my brother know that we have being going back to the United Church.  His re-action was of shock and disbelief and I tried to explain that I felt a wonderful spirit of love there and I felt no fear that I was in someway disobeying God. I have written a letter but I do not know if he will understand.  Yes, I should take time to put my thoughts in order.

I have respected my brother and appreciatted his prayers for all our family.  He is outspoken about what he believes and I guess I. am more wishy-washy accept when I get preachy.

I think that we cannot hide behind the rules of what we believe the Bible teaches not what we believe our church teaches.  I like our new minister, hey he quoted Leonard Cohen, and he plays the banjoe and has a good sense of humor as well as a firm understanding of the scripture, studying both Latin and Greek.  He is also very humble and I know I could talk to him.
I have moved from being a fundamentalist, and a literalistic view to realizing that some of the Bible was written especially from a male perspective.  Women were not respected although the Bible does contain stories about very brave and godly women.

I use to believe that every word was inspired but now I believe that the inspiration can be hidden just as my returning to the United Church was hidden.  I know there is much that is wrong in this church as there is in all churches but our churches must be welcome to all.  I cannot force anyone to change, not even if I threaten, God's judgment.

 God by the power of the Holy Spirit can bread our chains that bind us if we allow him to do this.

I do not understand mental illness nor why some pick a different
life style or why some people seem to be vulnerable to addictions or violence.
but I do know that it is not always a matter of choice.

I influenced my brother to read the scriptures and he has become "Born Again" and I know that God has used him to lead others to Jesus and also he has prayed for healing for others.  He has a good heart.  He is a loving husband and father and has been good to me. 

I have dad on one side and him on my other side and I wonder if either one realizes how I feel?

Church is very important to me not because of the ornamental beauty nor the rituals and not because that is where God lives but because the spirit in me quickens because I sense a joy that comes to me like the joy I feel when my family is together.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately - and I'm quite sure this is true - going to church is no subsitute for the hard work involved in trying to contemplate God and our relationship to God. In fact, much (but not absolutely everything) that churches do obscures rather than illuminates this terrible task. In its place they put other things: the beauty of the physical mosque or church, the financial health of the organization, the social status of the priests, bishops, rabbis, popes, and so on.

So what does this mean? Only that going to church is mostly a social activity. That does not make it bad. Far from it. But we are sadly mistaken if we think that believing in some jumble of doctrine and wagging our tails like good little dogs while in a pew at church is getting us closer to God. It is not. Of that I am certain.

Therefore, those that hide behind religious certainty and doctrinal purity - just like the PHARISEES in Jeusus' day -- are those that are the farthest from the terrible burden of attempting to begin the approach to God. And who can blame them? It is a difficult thing to do. Not for the faint of heart. So let them clap and bow and praise the false god of religion. They are not up to the real task. Few are.

You should go to whatever church you feel most comfortable with. And it is better if you and Dad do not quarrel about where you go on Sunday, and if Dad is happier with Colebrook, then that seems like an important consideration.

You should tell people how you feel, how else will they know? With that in mind, I think you probably should send the letter you have written to Uncle Brian, but let it sit for a day or two and maybe revise it a bit before you send it.

We are all fire and brimstone in this family, although we use different brands of the stuff, depending on our personal idiosyncracies.



beth bennett said...

I added a line about why I feel church is important but I need to give this more thought.

It would not be important to me if it was "just" a social activity as I often do not feel very social at all; but your dad cerainly does. Dad likes both churches and we will go to the Bell Center this Sunday because dad does not like communion.

I feel sorry for two elderly widows on my street that seem to have few friends and both their families are busy, so I visited them on Christmas day.

I do not wag my tail but I would love to jump up and say "Right On" or "Peach it brother" because I feel the spirit within me coming alive.

Thank you for answering me.

Dad had a bike ride today which was good and I went for a walk and tried to dedust the house wondering is it is the cold or the dust causing my asthma.

I needed a new puffer thing that is not so powerful and I will get it if necessary!

Dad is happy watching hockey, hockey and more hockey!

love mom

Anonymous said...

You will get it if neccesary? Well, I am back at work and will be once again offering up my opions. Found it strange that you would feel the need to hide what church you attend from your brother. Sandra