Saturday, January 29, 2011


When you are young you have dreams and desires but when you are old you have to make plans.  Plans not set in stone but open to change.

When I read the Bible I look for the stories I feel comfortable with and I feel free changing the ideas behind the words to fit my idea of God.  I think our spirituality calls for more spaciousness that can some how unclog our fuzzy brains and bring rest and peace to our souls.

I could never imagine myself as Moses or God speaking to me saying "Take off your shoes you are on holy ground". Moses did not want to be chosen to free his people from slavery; after all he had already messed that up.  He had plans for his life and that did not include having to make speeches or march into the Pharaoh's place warning of plagues of frogs etc. Every excuse Moses had God has an answer.

Jacob on the other hand seemed to have been a trickster whose goal in life was to get what he wanted with no thought of what pain he was causing to others.  He is forced to leave home after cheating his twin brother and dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven crowded with angels.  Later he would even wrestle One.  He woke up scared and stunned and shaken.  The tables turn and he is the one who is tricked into marrying the wrong woman.  Through dreams and nightmares and life experiences he eventually decided to care for people the same way he cared about himself.  He even cared about making it right with his twin brother.

As I look out my window to the hard soil and the bare branches it looks very dull and drab.  I remind myself that beauty will come again and the time will come when I need to dig up the soil around the roots so they can breath.  I am like that soil that needs to be worked on and be willing to be changed.  And when I do I will try to remember all the earth is holy ground.

God, the male and the female all in One God, is bigger than our stories and bigger than any of our man made religions.  My faith has been tested and I know I have the freedom to explore other religions and see their potential and also the delusions that are apart of the stories.  I look back on my life and my days now and I feel that I have lived a very rewarding life in my own small way.

Faith has become for me moving from a narrow mind to a spacious and open mind and heart.  Jesus has been my guide on this journey.

My day begins by creating a sacred time which can be any where I meditate and pray; even here at my computer!


Anonymous said...

You may have forgotten that Moses never got to see the promise land because he did things "his own way"-sort of what you are suggesting. Noone is ever "free" to change the words of God in His Holy Word. If you do, you are in the danger that John speaks of in the Revelation. (Rev. 22:18)

We often forget that God considers us all children of wrath. (Jeremiah 6:11, Ephesians 2:3) For him to view you as redeemed, you must believe in Jesus Christ and accept HIS conditions-not make some up of your own as you go along. The Gospel is truly good news, but it is about something that Jesus accomplished for you, nothing you ever did, or will do, on your own. Man never is accepted for what he is only accepted because of what Jesus did, and whether we believe this.

beth bennett said...

I would not change any of the words of God but there have been many different versions of the Bible.

Yes, I have accepted Jesus as my Savior and trust in His redeeming power.

Ephesions is a very spiritual book of the Bible; I especially like at the end it talks about putting on the full armor of God; the belt of truth, the brestplate of righteousness, feet ready for peace, the shield of faith etc.

Thank you Pamela Nees I appreciate your comments.