Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This is a picture of the moon shining through the tree in our side yard.     As I sttod gazing at the moon having just seen the monie The King's Speech and found it emotionally moving I felt there was more to life than we can reason with our intellect and there is a time to silence the inquisitive intellect and lives so powerfully in us all and fall deeply into love again. 

Sometimes I can feel a harmony that flows from the quietness and beauty of nature and with it comes a sense of awe. Letting prayer and thankfulness bring you into the mystical reality of grace, even for a moment.  Being sick has taken all my energy and even though I have had more time to read I was not really being touched by what I was reading.

I had a most unusual dream in which I was learning to ride a motorcycle and I felt no fear but only a great sensation of joy.  This happened when I was feeling very vulnerable because of my bad cold and the difficulty I was having praying.  When you have pain and discomfort it is hard to be spiritual and that is why I need someone else to have the faith for me. 

Prayer would become like the powerful riding of a motorbike that carries me away from all the fears that control my mind.  I am reading about the need to detach from old wounds that may go back to our childhood,  the need to be right, the need to know all the answers, and to detach especially from the fear that has been apart of my life.  I am happy being me and recognizing what I have been missing lately.

It is so true that You cannot ask your mind to be other than it is, which is a question seeking instrument.  I do not really know how to define the mind nor do I understand how it works.  I have been told I can be left brained or right brained which defines my thinking in certain ways.

Dreams can allow us entrance into a different world where a soft harmonious breeze touches one's very soul; like the freshness of the air in the morning that brings new life into me as I breath it in so happy to be outside.
I find I can pray so much better when I am outside away from all the things that demand my attention inside.

This is the ability of the prayer of surrender that becomes a mystical experience that is breathless and healing.

I was having these thoughts before I picked up this book on prayer and was amazed to find a confirmation of some of my "flights of fancy".

Everyday is different and yesterday I went to U.C.W. where our new minister Daniel came to give a talk; and I can see that he is going to stir people to think and also to dream, to take roots that ground us and yet at the same time be free to continue to learn and to grow and to accept others.  He has learned a lot from bing a part of a native community on the island.

Today there are a group of us from Colebrook driving to Langley to say good-bye to Betty Rainy who has been apart of Colebrook Church for years but is now moving back East.  It is also a tea for Shirley Fowler who will be moving to Burnaby, nearer her family.  This means a big change for her as she is leaving her friends and her home for a new life style. 

Things keep changing in most of our lives.  I am happy for Carol and Panteli and others in our family who have moved to find adventure and new challenges.  One thing that is hard about getting older is that you find yourself in a rut and it is harder to change and to accept our limitations.

The amazing thing is that there lives within us this childlike spirit that never grows old!


Anonymous said...

Even though I dont pray like you, I do love the peace that comes from going for a walk and being able to focus on all the little wonders of nature. It can sooth a lot of the turmoil going on in mind and body. Today does not look like a good day for walking though, rain and sleet on my drive in to work.

beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra
love mom

Pinetreeannie said...

Me too, Beth! Walks for me, are my personal time alone, to commune with God and nature. I feel very close to God when outdoors as well. Solitary walks are my preference......but the occasional walk with my friends or husband is nice too.Today it is -30 and the windchill is -43, so it will be a bundling up time for my daily walk. I don't get cold except for my face...which scarves help. My dog Charlie will be 14 next week and he can't be out more than 5 minutes or he "freezes " up. So I go alone.
Wonderful pictures Beth...the closeup of the heather is especially nice. it would make an interesting painting with all the variations of colour.