Friday, January 21, 2011


Well I have done it again the picture is going missing and I have tried umpteen times to put it on.  I will try one more time.  So this is the heather that has started to bloom covered in frost.  I discovered I had to hit compose which I have never done before.  This computer has a mind of it's own.

Now where was I?  How quickly your thoughts can come and go.  I know that our friend Shirley feels very lonely especially now that she is not able to get out and do things like she use to.  My friend down the street Rosanna now has middle ear disease that makes you so very dizzy and sick to your stomach.  Her daughter has come to stay with her and take to the doctor so that is good.  What a miserable thing I know from experience.  You wonder why these things hit us.

Loneliness is a part of being human I am reading now.  As a child I know my imagination was a great help when I felt lonely.  These were times when everyone was too busy to spend time with me or listen to me.  Not that I did much talking as my brother was and is still the great talker.  I was the listener.

Loneliness reminds us that no one else can completely meet our needs.  As teen-agers we think no one understands and often that is true.  As adults we become use to this.  Loneliness can stir up creative energy that can express itself in many different ways.  Sometimes there is a overwhelming feeling of dissatisfaction with the whole world as we see the injustices and unfairness and suffering of others.

Loneliness can encourage to seek out the company of others and this is an important part of my spirituality that is lived out and expressed in community.  I am not drawn to sitting and meditating.  I am always talking to myself or to God, hopefully he is listening when I settle in my big chair and say "okay God I am here to send time with you.  Are you listening?"

Loneliness is the deep need that drives the mystic into the search for the reality of the presence of God.

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