Tuesday, January 25, 2011


There is a Russian man being given refuge in a church in downtown Van. who has found a new sense of freedom; which is describes as freedom within.  I think he should be allowed to be selcomes into our country.

In the Jewish religion the temple was the place where the law was kept and also where the Shekhinah glory of the divine presence was experienced.  It was a very holy place.  When the temple was destroyed and not rebuilt there was a gathering of the scribes, the Pharisees under the leadership of Yohanan and his pupils to begin the heroic task of transforming Judaism from a temple faith to a religion of the book.

When Hillel was asked the one sentence that contained all the law, he replied: What is hateful to yourself, do not to your fellow man".

I would say that this means do not inflict pain on another human being. 

Kindness would replace the temple ritual and compassion would be the pillar.  This compassion would include the interpretation of scripture.

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