Sunday, January 23, 2011


Her first birthday party and she looked lovely especially with her wonderful smile and walking all around.  Jasmine, our granddaughter in Melbourne. It would be wonderful to see them this summer but we will have to wait and see as there are many things that have to come together.  This picture is taken from e-mail.

How wonderful to be young and have your whole life before you. 

Children seem to see things more clearly in many ways not just because their eyes are better.  They ask such amazing questions and I think we all stay young at heart if we continue to ask questions.  I have learned a lot by reading about the philosophers; whose lives were spent deep in thought, and they loved to discuss life as they saw it could be lived.  There was an inner energy that could be tapped into to help in difficult times and could be expressed in music, in poetry and in the sharing of ideas.  In this secular world we live in, surrounded by skeptics and those who are driven by the need to succeed and control, I find that when I feel creative I feel this inner energy.

I feel this awareness of a sacred energy within that is like a memory, a shadow, a dream, a longing that needs to be expressed.  At times I can feel on the brink of discovery of an amazing illumination that transcends the earthly reality into something that even words cannot express.  Our deepest emotions tucked away inside our souls.

Everyday for me there can be decisions made that change the flow of the day.  Sometimes it is just a good laugh.  Yesterday at church I picked up another ladies' purse by mistakr of course,and was hunting through it to find a cough drop that I was sure I had put in my purse.  I was thinking as I looked I don't remember this in my purse before.  Dad saw her looking at me with a strange look on her face and I had no idea what I was doing.   I hope she really did see the humor in it  I felt worse when I got home..

Today which is a very rainy day I nearly jumped into a strange car that pulled up beside me and I thought it was dad coming to pick me up.  Yesterday I nearly caused an accident as a driver went through the stop sign because he did not want to stop and wait for me.  He had to slam on his brakes nearly hitting a car turn in to the parking lot.  The other driver yelled at him and I heard him say it was the fault of the pedestrian !

Most time when I go for a walk it is a time of silent and thoughtful prayer.

Sometimes it is when I read something, or hear something on the radio, or someone says something to me that can transform my thoughts and change me from within.  I love going to church because I have an anticipation  that something good will stir within me.  Prayer is intensified when it is shared.

Prayer can take me beyond the boundaries of reason into the gateway of faith.

Today we plan to take some pictures out to Betty Rainy of her birthday party, waiting to hear from her.


Anonymous said...

Did Kenny Skype you from the party, is that where you got this picuture?

beth bennett said...

YES,waiting to hear from you. I phone for doctor's appointment and it is not until next Monday and I will have changed my mind by then\love mom

Anonymous said...

no the photo was from the email . To skype would be too late , it was like 8pm for the party.
