Thursday, January 6, 2011


Raindrops falling early in the darkness of the morning.    They  reflect the Christmas lights that are on across the street.  The lights are the most beautiful part of our celebrations.  Time seems to change so slowly as we wait for daylight to burst into our mornings with a radiance and a warmth that makes us feel alive.  Now is a time of waiting.but a time also of hopefulness. 

It is like the afterglow that we carry within us, a sense of happiness and expectation.

My brian is slow this morning because when one part of our body is not well it affects everything,  The headache, the sore throat and the aching legs seem to demand my attention.  I woulf love to go for a walk but common sense says keep warm and rested.

I sit quietly waiting for inspiration and thankful that I know your presence is here with me, Lord.  I am so thankful for all the goodness in my life.  As I have been reading some of the stories in the Old Testamnet the word afterglow seems to describe the words of the prophets like Ezekial and Elizah.  We try as best we can to experience the visions, so real to them, and yet so far beyond what we know.  Different writers named P and D and JE have told the stories in different ways.

I am reminded that the word of God can be a religious discourse with many interruptations.  In Jewish terms this is called midrash which means to search and to investigate.  I know from my own experience that when I reread  the texts I discover new things each time.  What speaks to me today will be different to-morrow.

Also at the time the scriptures were being written philosophers in Greece and other parts of the world were struggling with new ideas trying to find the underlying order and law of creation. 


Anonymous said...

And here it is too hot to go outside( with babies) we bought a blow up pool and Matthew got a sunburn on his butt !!
Jasmine is walking everywhere now , just in time for her first birthday on Tuesday.

beth bennett said...

I got mixed up about her birthday because I wrote down the day you namwd her which was 23.Did you read the Gift?
love mom

Anonymous said...

have nt read the book yet ,ken

beth bennett said...

No not the book. It is my blog with my new philosoply of life which I am trying hard to put into practice. When cab we skype you on Jassy's birthdaY! love mom