Friday, January 28, 2011


Short and sweet.  We are surrounded by a world that wants to tell us how to think and what to believe and what not to believe, wht is right and what is not.  Jesus, as a man, lived outside the religion of his day and outside the accepted laws and restrictions.  In doing so he was not declaring war but preaching unconditional love and compassion that could eventually bring the desired changes.  Jesus had experience the deepest grace of all the acceptance of His Heavenly Father and this allowed energy to flow from him to heal others.  Once Jesus began his mission after many years of being taught and then experiencing the soul searching of a desert experience he was ready to share with those willing to learn,  He walked in harmony with God and with his fellow human beings.  He was one of them.

Within us lies the voice of conscience that tells us when we are on the wrong path.  As we grow older we have to face the truth that our bodies do not respond as they used to.  We have more aches and pains that can, if we allow them to, bring a fear of aging that feelings that we are worth-less.  Our worth has been so tied up with our doing that we now have to discover who we really are.

Like the dead tree reaching it's branches heavenward spring will come and bring new life.

It takes a great effort for me to do my walk each morning and I could easily snuggle down in a chair and just read.  It takes an effort to visit the sick and the lonely because I see myself facing the same problems and I would like to pretend it will never happen to me.  I see the most unhappy people are those who have carried the wounds of the past into their present situations instead of letting it become a shadow that the sun can chase away so that it is still apart of us but becomes dimmer as we let go

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