Tuesday, November 8, 2011


There is no picture of Chicken soup as I am cooking this time.  Dad probably does not think this is worthy of his skills.  I am not enjoying resting, not one bit.  I did manage to get some pictures in a new frame whick took a lot of fiddling around.  I do enjoy reading and I have always good good books around.  I am talking better so I made a few

 visits by phone.

I have found walking and enjoying the fresh air to be extremely healing and renews me physically and spiritually.  I will get the doctors permission today to resume my walks.  Dad gets all upset when I even suggest it.  I know he is just worried about me because I know I worry about him.

Look for the [positive in others and you will always find it; while if you are looking for the negative it can be even easier to find!

"Put a little love in your heart and the world will be a better place".

Today after we go to the doctor and maybe do a quick visit while we are in White Rock; I will do my Bible study.  Whether I go to-morrow will depend on how I feel after today.

I am reading about the history of the time of Jesus and it really brings his words alive.  All the miracles he performed in different ways where all necessary for him to be the Messiah.  No wonder those in authority were getting anxious and spying on him.

One of the many interesting things I learned was that in Caesares Philippi was a large sanctuary built by the Greeks for the purpose of human sacrifices.  One of the alters was called the Gates of Hades.  The kingdom of God would destroy the false worship that was practiced there.

We are fortunate to have easier versions of this great book that is worthy of deep study.  The words that where written so long ago have been quoted by famous people in their writings and their speaking.

"These things I command you, that ye love another."   I would say that this calls us to love the unlovable because often they have been wounded by life and need love desperately but can be so hard to love.

Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they flow from deep within your soul.


Anonymous said...

If you are up and cooking does that mean you are feeling better? Did taking the pills make your sleep noticably worse? It is all week I do my first aid course, I will call after supper and see what the word is from dr nolte.

Anonymous said...

In my view, miracles were and are entirely irrelevant to what Jesus was all about. The authorities were nervous, as you rightly point out, not because he was doing miracles -- afterall, if he could really do miracles, how could anyone stand against him? He could turn them all into rodents, or trees, or something -- but because his core message was threatening to the priests, pharisees and and so on. His core message was that the religious law was not to be a weapon to be used to keep society in line, and that all people could have a personal search for God unmediated by religious superstructure.

The brillance of the Catholic church, and others, was to pervert this message and create an enormous religious bureacracy that was 10 times more oppressive than what Jesus himself faced.



Anonymous said...

I am feeling much better but think that the prednisone does make my sleeping worse. I am hoping that Dr. Nolte will set me free so I can go walking. It will be slow and not to far but I am anxious to get back into this.

Yes I agree with you Rick except if you go back into history you would find that the Jews were looking for a Messiah and the proof would be in his fulfillment of all the healing miracles. There were many healers at that time.

Yes, the core message became religious law that force obedience to the church above all.

Between you and dad I am forced to keep learning which I enjoy doing.

Love to hear from my children, about what they are doing.

Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I am off to Brisbane today to see my kids.Melina will enjoy the extra room in bed as there will only be two in there( Jass has taken up permanent residence)Stormy weather here , hot and humid.