Friday, November 25, 2011


                                                                White Rock

One of those bad hair days!  I took somethings out to the garage when a mouse jumped out at me from a high shelf where there was a bag of grass seed.  I screamed bloody murder but dad remained calm.  One little mouse can sure make a mess!
Next the racoon got into the garbage.  He knocks it over but cannot take the lid off so somehow he gets his little hand in and drags out piece by piece.  So there was a nice mess at the road where the garbage was waiting to be picked up.

I went to do a little visiting and dad decided to surprise me by making an apple pie.  What a mess!  Pie cruszt and flour all over but none in the pie plate.  Being a inventive persons he decided to cook the apples without the crust.  Certainly deserved an A for effort.
(glutten free baking is a challenge.)

So we had toast for supper.

I am also having some trouble with some Bible readings.  I think I need some wise Jew to help me understand their thinking.  But then I read in Karen Armstrong, a wise woman with great amazing knowledge of all religions, the Jews were having trouble when all the gentiles wanted to convert to be followers of Jesus.  What should the rules be?  After all God had promised to be their God hadn't He?

They searched the scriptures for an answer and with the help of Peter's dream; and  Paul's conversion experience that if the gentile converts renounced all pagan beliefs and accepted God as the one true God they could be accepted without having to convert to Judaism first.

I can understand why people would be drawn to Jesus as I have always found him to be a man of faith and courage and wisdom and his teachings so full of compassion.  I believed the spirit of God was upon him.  He lived out his faith with such power and grace that I could trust him to reveal God to me.

There is much that is hidden in the life of Jesus and yet I believe we have been given all we need to know to discover the sacred meaning in all of life.

There are many books written about Jesus, some historical and others mystical, but it is his love that has captured my heart!


Anonymous said...

Mice are upsetting, especially when they are leaping off shelves and so on where they aren't supposed to be.

Toast can be good for dinner, as long as there is some peanut butter to go along with it.

Accept "god as the only god" sounds a bit like Islam.



Anonymous said...

jasmine now has rge cold , matthew is a bit better. dr sent me to redo the blood tests ,then will decide if i am sick. but return appointment not till march. second hand alternator runs fine now.