Monday, November 28, 2011


I have not been able to do anything I have been planning and it is annoying.

Dad had a good drive to the eye-center where he got good news that the glaucoma is good and he has cataracts forming but they will not need attention for awhile This news we were expecting,.  He took pictures while he was there and the ladies were very pleased they love to decorate  I love to visit with them while dad is seeing the doctor.

No, I was not well enough to go and seem to be a little dizzy but to-morrow I
 will be better.

We all face our challenges in this life and I am sure there will be more on the way,
We have the comfort of family and friends and count ourselves blessed.  I am finding it very hard to type'


Anonymous said...

Ah, dad is lucky to get catarc surgrey, Randy's dad got it and does not need reading glasses any more. So you did not get up cruize around the neighbourhood while dad was gone like you threatened? Did you call Dr Nolte to see if he has your x ray results?

Anonymous said...

l think you need to be talking with your Dr about what is happening. love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Short blog posts are good.

I just mailed a Christmas card to Kenny and Melina in Australia, but just remembered that I forgot my friend Chris in Hong Kong.

