Saturday, November 12, 2011


Faith is a gift that brings light and hope and healing.
It is cold and dark as I slip out of bed early in the morning looking for my slippers.  I seem to have a habit of waking early and I envy those who can sleep on.  So hear I am in my quiet corner to write down my thoughts that have awakened me once again.

Dad insisted on going for a short walk with me yesterday and it felt good to be out.  I am very thankful for the advances in modern medicine that can diagnose and heal us.  I feel like I have lost the last two weeks of my life just doing nothing but somethings you just have to accept in life.

Leah phoned from the airport as she and Craig leave for a week in Hawaii.  It was good to hear from her.  She has been through such a difficult time trying to regain her health and find relief from pain.

I am very proud of each one in my family.  Sandra working so hard at her first aid course and checking up on us too.

Tasha is now a bus driver and who would have ever thought she would end up doing that. 

Ken is visiting his older children in Brisbane and Rick will be seeing Lucas at Christmas.  Family is so important.  Mary and Michael John have jobs now in Kitchener and have found a house to rent.  At least we can keep up with our family that are far from home by e-mail and skype.

Our great-grandson Ben has had a glowing letter from his teacher saying he is a fabulous student and impressive in all areas.  Children do seem to be getting smarter although I think there have always been children with wisdom beyond their years!

Looking over the past years and all the wars that have taken so many of our young people makes one feel sad.  Good and evil seem to continue to battle in the hearts of mankind.

I believe that in the face of suffering and tragedy, we need to hold on to the faith that somehow, ultimately in God's time wounds will heal and good will come out of tragedy.

Even religion has been used to abuse and create division but I like to see the positive.

Religion has taken me from the darkness of life into a place of wonder.  Life can be lived in the moment aware of a presence that calls me to prayer, to listening, to singing, to studying, to celebrating, to giving thanks, laughter and joy, a sense of a foundation that is underneath all.

Sharing our struggles can transform the pain and burdens we all carry.  We need social stability that cares and gives to others.

Yes, yes I know that no institution touched by human hands is free from corruption but I have learned that love is stronger than hate and forgiveness flows from above to set us free.

I was shy and introverted and confused until I found the unconditional love that gives life meaning!
For me!

Now I really must find my slippers.  I am longing to get into the habit of my morning walks.  Sigh.


Anonymous said...

It's Sunday morning and Melina just went to work , i start at 1130am today.We have no power , seems two separtate accidents where cars have run into power poles in our neighbourhood.I am using my iphone to connect to the laptop. Hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

So glad that you are feeling some better Beth and able to get out in the fresh air for a walk. Funny thing is....I am always looking for my slippers too. Under the computer table, by the piano, or by the door....I really think they " grow legs and walk away!"

nancy-Lou said...

The comment above was me Beth, google account didn't let me post it so I became anonymous for now.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better Mom.

Good thing dad is going with you on the walks.

When were you introverted? I think I missed that phase.



beth bennett said...

I was very introverted when we were first married and I did not fit into the lifestyle of an controller's wife. One expects to be find happiness in marriage but one has to first find what helps you to grow into who you were meant to be.

love mom