Thursday, November 3, 2011


Feeling a little better today but definitely weak.  Yesterday dad and I enjoyed just being home together.

I often turn to the book "My Grandfather's Blessings" to help me gain some insights on illness.  This Jewish doctor, who herself has had health problems and treats cancer patients.  She believes that in every sickness there is an opportunity for "soul" healing as our bodies are forced to slow down and we are forced to deal with pain.

" As a physician, I have accompanied many people as they have discovered in themselves an unexpected strength, a courage beyond what they thought possible, an unexpected sense of compassion or a capacity for love deeper than they ever dreamed."  It takes a lot of courage and determination to live our lives in a new way.  "We may first discover soul when life events awaken in us the need for meaning."  It is this meaning that is able to bright some light into the darkness and the wisdom that has been hidden within our spirit to become our strength.

It seems to me that it is coming back to the simple graces like honesty and affection and friendship that become more important to us.

"We have thoughts and feelings and bodies and all three can kindle and nourish the light of the soul."

I am reminded that even with the pain of sickness I still need to choose life!


nancy-Lou said...

Your message today was very meaningful Beth as we prepare to drive in to Winnipeg for Carl's hip replacement surgery. It is this morning. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you rested yesterday, I am sure sometimes dad feels like he has to tie you to the couch to make you stay put and take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Nncy Lou I will be praying for you both and for the surgens. This can be a very successful operation and I pray this for Carl.

Yes, Sandra, when I got up this morning and dad is half-asleep he said "You are not going for a walk are you?"

Actually I had been thinking about it. But there is no way I can for a few more days,

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Thank-you for the prayers....he is doing well tonight. Long day and long dark drive back home tonight...alone.
Be sure and take care to rest Beth...sounds like a bad bug that you have. Nancy