Friday, November 11, 2011


Remembering those who laid down their lives for us.
                             The cross reminds us of death and resurrection into new life. 

Yesterday dad went to a remembrance day tea at the church.  He took his scrapbook that has letters from his uncles who died in the war.  One of his uncles died in a plane crash and the other died in hospital from a piece of shrapnel that entered his chest and could not be removed.  So sad to think of these young boys dieing so far from home but willing to give their lives to allow others to live in peace.

We usually attend a service but probably not today.  Dad's shoulder is hurting again and pain is so draining, and while I am much better there is no way I could stand around in the cold and rain.

I am reading about a young father who refused to go to war and was put in jail and treated cruelly.
That was how strongely he felt about peace.  War never seems to solve anything but freedom is worth dying for. 

I feel very strongly that we in Canada should be able to decide if we want to send our young people to war.  These soldiers are never the same again even when they are released.

Life is not fair and questions that have no answers are a part of the battle we face in our own lives.  I do not expect my faith to solve all questions but to live in the questions and to find hope bigger than our despair.  Faith is a way to live that calls for us to find strength that is grounded in humility and honesty.

We live in freedom that was bought with a price.


Anonymous said...

But are you feeling better mom? I feel , as I read about more young Australians killed in Afghanistan , how pointless it is. WW 1 and WW 2 were a bit different ad everyone thought that it was right to defend your country.

beth bennett said...

Yes, I am very slowly feeling better and I agree with you.

love mom