Saturday, November 5, 2011


The last of the summer roses reminding me of the mystery of your creative love.

We now have a determined raccoon that knocks over our garbage.  Must be the good left overs from dad's cooking.  The other morning as I was on the computer upstairs and the garbage can had been placed out for the garbage man, I heard a band and knew he was back.  So out I go and cash him away and tighten the lid and put a big rock on it; but as soon as I was upstairs he had knocked it over again.

Now I am mad so down and out I go, cashing him away, and put the can in the house until nearer the time that the truck will be coming.  I feel sorry for the little creature and am tempted to feed it but our neighbors object.  Dad thinks they are cute but I think they are annoying.  If I put out food I know it will attract other little critters too.

I think that our Canucks need to be more persistent and continue to learn how to work as a team.  We learn to win by losing and recognizing what our role is in redemption.

Being sick certainly makes you aware of the suffering of others and I find that I must accept this slowing down as creatively as possible.  I watch the neighbors come and go on their busy schedules.

I know that I need your help and guidance Lord in making decisions for today.  Yes, I would like to go to Mary's 100th birthday party but honestly I am not up to going. 

Each day is a gift of time that I am given and for now it is being more aware that by living in your grace I can serve in different ways, that seem insignificant, but are what I am called to do.  I am slowly getting better and I am thankful.


Anonymous said...

the canucks need to finnish their chances . three breakaways and no goals.It would also be nice if they show some toughness.
Rest mom , if your still not well.

nancy-Lou said...

Hoping you are feeling better sure and take it easy until you are ALL better. Bronchitis can come back if you start doing things too early. We are expecting some snow here tomorrow...first of the season. Nancy

Anonymous said...

I guess that is a blessing of mine to not know my neighbours, I dont have to listen to them telling me what to do or not do with the racoons. I just have Randy telling me, and we know how well I listen to him. I have FB Tasha and am going to be getting together with her next week maybe. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Good news Sandra
love mom