Tuesday, December 3, 2013


We shared a wonderful family day together.  catching up on family news and laughing until the eyes tear up with joy.  Life will always hold it’s problems.  Theresa has a very difficult child, mentally challenged to try to control as a teaching assistant.  She is hopeful of being moved to another classroom or maybe school.  She has really put her heart into doing this and it is a big challenge.

Kim will be writing her Real Estate exam and is very anxious about doing this very hard exam so am praying that on Tuesday she will be able to overcome nervousness and do her best.

Pentali is on his way back home.

Melina hope you are feeling better an exhausting time being a mom so try to take care of yourself too.

Now is the time to feel all that Mary and Joseph went through knowing that this baby was a supernatural conception and really aren’t they all.  Tiny bundles of joy that take so much time and care.
A lowly servant girl chosen to bring new life and put aside her own expectations to see the miracles unfold around her.  She bears the gift of love that lives on with everyone of us.  It was not easy for her or for Joseph for this son would be listening from an early age to discover his gift of teaching and healing and loving all given for him to pour out new life into each one of us!  Yes he became one of us.
New life appearing in my garden all ready.  What a surprise!
Monday will be a quiet day for dad and I which can be enjoyable.  I think of other years when presents were hid under the bed waiting to be wrapped but not this year.
I hope that our presence will be the joy we bring.

Divinity wrap in human flesh from an earthly family tree!

The family tree was the most important thing that gave your life context!  The family tree mentions four women, women who felt like outsiders, women weary of being taken advantage of, hero's in their won ways, which was startling at that time.


Sandra said...

Now I wish I would have made the effort to feed you all and have you stop by on your way home. It is just so much harder to try and plan a meal with all the things that I can not make. I guess I better get out and do the walk, mitts and hat on for sure this morning! Sandra

beth bennett said...

I even find it hard to make my own meals with the restrictions but I now know that gluten free pasta can be the answer. Morgan likes hers with a bit of butter and some cheese sprinkles on.

I have resisted the Factory but was glad we went there if for no other reason than to see Morgan eat some food.

It all worked out for the best even after all the changes in our plans as usual.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

It was wonderful to read about the fun you had at the Stuart McLean concert. Laughter is so healing. I must catch his next tour in Winnipeg. Morgan has really grown up...looking at the pic you posted..
I see it is cold on the coast..we are heading in to -30 at night for quite a few days..that is fine at least it won't snow. have a good day

Anonymous said...

meat is gluten free ..just saying...ken

beth bennett said...

Ken I do not think it says gluten-free on the package. mom

Dad is getting ready to watch the hockey game,

nancy-Lou said...

As a gluten free person too, I do find meals a challenge. One meal I really like and it is easy is fish....with no batter of course. I use a double layer of aluminum foil, that is greased, place some cooked rice and raw cut up veggies on it, add fish on top, a couple of tablespoons of butter, a tablespoon of lemon juice salt and pepper and dill, wrap up, place on a cookie sheet and cook at 400 for about 15 to 20 minutes. I use hake loins that I buy at Costco or salmon. Carl can have his battered fish and chips. I like fresh mushrooms, carrots cut finely, zuccini, peppers cut finely....but you could add in whatever you like. I cook a couple of cups of rice at a time and freeze it. It is so handy for times like this or for stir fried rice.

beth bennett said...

Excellent idea Nancy I really like that. Will try it tomorrow!