Friday, December 13, 2013


This is the park I walk through some mornings.  It was covered in snow but the warm rain has washed it green again.

I now sit by the elevator at the Senor's home where there is a group of five chairs.  It starts with just me and Tina and soon all the chairs are filled.  Yesterday a very talkative man joined us and that spoiled it a little for me.   Evidently he needed someone to listen to him.  Also there is a gas fireplace that gives off heat and different ones who come and turn it off and others would turn it on. 

It was a dull gray day and I felt a little dull too.

I am reminded that our relationships with others are with out a doubt our biggest challenges.  And also realizing how important every daily interaction is.

Dad went and got me a cover for my organizer now I just have to get organized.

”On the subject of divine guidance I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because it so often it coincides with their own desires.

Since intuition seems to operate in a different way than our normal thought pattern it often seems more like a feeling than rational reasoning.  But I think it is important to pay attention to those thoughts that keep coming to your mind.

Intuition just may be one of the ways God talks to us.
We can increase this intuitive gift the more we use it.
I feel I could use a little inspiration right now as well as organization,

Dad says there is a funny smell in the laundry room so I guess that is my first job this morning!

Actually think the one who smells it should investigate it!


Sandra said...

We had lunch at the riverhouse. While they sat us by the fireplace it was not turned on. Sukhi said it now finaly feels like Christmas because it is our annual lunch we have with an ex employee. I work today. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I will be working cleaning
Going to the library to get my overdue book back a day late.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Laughing at you saying the one who smells it should investigate it! Reminds me of my piano child must have had a little "fluff" and the other said, oooh what is that smell, the other child said, " you smelt it you dealt it".....well I nearly fell off my chair laughing! I could write a book about my 53 years teaching piano lessons. Kids are so brutally honest!
Did you find out who left the package with the day planners etc?
It is -30 at 6pm and will be -40 in the morning. Sure glad I don't have to go out teaching an art workshop tomorrow! Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I was trying to figure out which of my children realized everything was getting in a muddle.
Sandra was the culprit. I will have a good job to keep me busy in Jan,
That is too cold.
love beth.